RE: hello just a question

From: Eve Pokua <>
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2008 11:21:54 +0100

You have to create the PU again within myeclipse. But you
may have to forward this to the myeclipse support or forum.

From: office_at_jango-soft.comTo: Sun, 20 Apr 2008 11:41:05 +0200Subject: hello just a question

i found this email in myeclipse preferences jpa.
i changed from netbeans to myeclipse and i have a core problem. after deploying to glassfish.
i get the error message no persitence unit found for project xxx.
with netbeans everything ran fine(but netbeans is too bugy and slow :( )
can you help me out. i need the steps to get to an jpa for my ejbs. because the starting wizard doesnīt help
or i didnīt change any confs.
please for help
greetings marko
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