Hi Sahoo,
On Nov 7, 2005, at 5:32 AM, Sanjeeb Kumar Sahoo wrote:
> Hi Tom/Chris,
> I have figured out what is causing that failure. TopLink Essentials
> calls PersistenceUnitInfo.getTempClassLoader() twice:
> public EntityManagerFactory createContainerEntityManagerFactory
> (PersistenceUnitInfo info){
> EntityManagerSetupImpl emSetupImpl = new EntityManagerSetupImpl();
> Collection entities = buildEntityList(info, info.getTempClassLoader
> ());
> ClassFileTransformer transformer = emSetupImpl.predeploy(entities,
> info.getTempClassLoader(), info);
> ...
> }
> When I changed the above TopLink file to call getTempClassLoader()
> only once, that validation exception went away. Looks like the
> contract for getTempClassLoader() needs to be well defined.
> Our container creates a new ClassLoader for each invocation of
> getTempClassLoader. This is fine as far as the contract defined in
> the javadocs of that API:
> /**
> * Return a ClassLoader that the provider may use to temporarily
> load any
> * classes, resources, or open URLs. The scope and classpath of this
> loader
> * is exactly the same as that of the loader returned by
> * PersistenceInfo.getClassLoader. None of the classes loaded by
> this class
> * loader will be visible to application components.
> *
> * @return Temporary ClassLoader with same visibility as current loader
> */
> public ClassLoader getTempClassLoader();
> See the above javadocs is silent about what should happen for
> multiple invocations. Where as the earlier javadocs for
> InstrumentableClassLoader's copy() method used to say the following:
> /**
> * Create and return a temporary loader with the same visibility
> * as this loader. The temporary loader may be used to load
> * resources or any other application classes for the purposes of
> * introspecting them for annotations. The persistence provider
> * should not maintain any references to the temporary loader,
> * or any objects loaded by it.
> *
> * @return A temporary classloader with the same classpath as this
> loader
> */
> public ClassLoader copy();
> The earlier one at least talked about what should happen each time
> it is called.
> Since container is not allowed to maintain a reference to this
> class loader, I think provider should not call getTempClassLoader()
> multiple times.
Can you please explain where it says the container is not allowed to
maintain a reference? The javadoc immediately above refers to the
persistence provider, not the container.
Maybe it's mentioned somewhere else?
I agree with you that the javadoc should explicitly say what the
behavior is if the persistence provider calls getTempClassLoader
multiple times. And, if the container must return the same temp class
loader to multiple invocations, when the temp class loader is allowed
to be garbage collected. Is it at undeployment?
And shouldn't the javadoc say "the persistence provider must not
maintain any references to the temporary loader or any objects loaded
by it"?
> Thanks,
> Sahoo
> Markus Fuchs wrote:
>> Hi Shelly, hi Ken,
>> Thanks very much for forwarding this information.
>> Ken,
>> I see the same behavior when running the Quicklook persistence-
>> onetomanyApp.ear:
>> The class pe.ejb.ejb30.persistence.toplinksample.ejb.OrderEntity
>> is loaded twice.
>> once with a ClassLoader I:
>> com.sun.enterprise.util.ConnectorClassLoader @8537
>> Parent: com.sun.enterprise.loader.EJBClassLoader @8732
>> once with a ClassLoader II:
>> com.sun.enterprise.util.ConnectorClassLoader @6763
>> Parent: com.sun.enterprise.loader.EJBClassLoader @8732
>> Any idea, why the same class is loader twice by different
>> ClassLoaders, each sharing the same ParentClassLoader? The
>> Quicklook test can be found appserv-tests/sqetests/ejb/ejb30/
>> persistence/onetomany in the glassfish repository.
>> Thanks!
>> -- markus.
>> Shelly (Donna) McGowan wrote:
>>> Markus,
>>> I'm not sure if your debugging the schema deployment problem
>>> exhibited
>>> in Deepa's quicklook test or the ManyToOne/OneToMany
>>> relationships fail
>>> to load or both, but Oracle sent this email on Friday inferring a
>>> classloader issue on the ManyToOne/OneToMany issue. Just wanted
>>> to make
>>> sure you saw this.
>>> Shelly
>>> Markus Fuchs wrote On 11/04/05 20:13,:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I now can reproduce the problem in my environment and should be
>>>> able to find the problem soon. But I have to leave now. I'm
>>>> planning on updating y'all Sunday.
>>>> Have a good weekend,
>>>> -- markus.
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -----
>>>> Subject:
>>>> Re: [Issue 66] New - Enterprise archives fail to load if MX1 and
>>>> 1XM relationships used in entities within persistence archive
>>>> From:
>>>> Christopher Delahunt <christopher.delahunt_at_oracle.com>
>>>> Date:
>>>> Fri, 04 Nov 2005 14:53:04 -0500
>>>> To:
>>>> persistence_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
>>>> To:
>>>> persistence_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
>>>> CC:
>>>> Peter Krogh <peter.krogh_at_oracle.com>, Shelly.McGowan_at_Sun.COM
>>>> Hello Sun,
>>>> In tracking down this bug, we have encountered a situation we
>>>> cannot explain. In our initialization code we explicitly load
>>>> all entity classes with the provided temp loader. When
>>>> processing Order, the return type on getLineItem yields a class
>>>> that was loaded by a loader that is different than the one
>>>> provided. This behavior is the root of the problem, and is
>>>> occurring since the changes on the 26th.
>>>> Any insight is appreciated.
>>>> Best Regards,
>>>> Chris
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Shelly (Donna) McGowan [mailto:Shelly.McGowan_at_Sun.COM]
>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 4:58 PM
>>>>> To: persistence_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
>>>>> Subject: Re: [Issue 66] New - Enterprise archives fail to load
>>>>> if MX1
>>>>> and 1XM relationships used in entities within persistence archive
>>>>> This issue is still occurring on the latest Glassfish builds
>>>>> (11/1).
>>>>> There is no workaround that I'm aware of that resolves the
>>>>> issue except
>>>>> to use last week's promoted build (10/26).
>>>>> If there is a workaround, please reply to this alias.
>>>>> Shelly
>>>>> smcgowan_at_dev.java.net wrote On 10/30/05 17:01,:
>>>>>> https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=66
>>>>>> Issue #|66
>>>>>> Summary|Enterprise archives fail to load if MX1 and 1XM relati
>>>>>> |onships used in entities within persistence archive
>>>>>> Component|glassfish
>>>>>> Version|9.0pe
>>>>>> Platform|Sun
>>>>>> OS/Version|Solaris
>>>>>> URL|
>>>>>> Status|NEW
>>>>>> Status whiteboard|
>>>>>> Keywords|
>>>>>> Resolution|
>>>>>> Issue type|DEFECT
>>>>>> Priority|P1
>>>>>> Subcomponent|entity-persistence
>>>>>> Assigned to|mvatkina
>>>>>> Reported by|smcgowan
>>>>>> ------- Additional comments from smcgowan_at_dev.java.net Sun Oct
>>>>>> 30 22:01:42 +0000 2005 -------
>>>>>> enterprise archives containing a persistence archive in which
>>>>>> the entities have
>>>>>> a ManyToOne or OneToMany relationship defined fail to load with a
>>>>>> ValidationException as shown below. These mapping of the
>>>>>> relationships are
>>>>>> correctly defined and have worked till recently (10/27). The
>>>>>> verifier
>>>>>> highlights the same problem.
>>>>>> Exception Description: The attribute [employees] in entity
>>>>>> class [class
>>>>>> com.sun.ts.tests.ejb30.persistence.query.apitests.Insurance] has
>>>>>> a mappedBy value of [insurance] which does not exist in its
>>>>>> owning entity class
>>>>>> [class com.sun.ts.tests.ejb30.persistence.query.apitests.
>>>>>> EmbeddableSuperclass, this is invalid, and your attribute
>>>>>> should reference the
>>>>>> correct subclass.
>>>>>> Local Exception Stack:
>>>>>> Exception [TOPLINK-7154] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 10g
>>>>>> release 4 (
>>>>>> (Build 051026Dev)):
>>>>>> oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.ValidationException
>>>>>> Exception Description: The attribute [employees] in entity
>>>>>> class [class
>>>>>> com.sun.ts.tests.ejb30.persistence.query.apitests.Insurance] has
>>>>>> a mappedBy value of [insurance] which does not exist in its
>>>>>> owning entity class
>>>>>> [class com.sun.ts.tests.ejb30.persistence.query.apitests.
>>>>>> EmbeddableSuperclass, this is invalid, and your attribute
>>>>>> should reference the
>>>>>> correct subclass.
>>>>>> at
>>>>>> oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.ValidationException.noMapped
>>>>>> ByAttributeFound(ValidationException.java:1019)
>>>>>> at
>>>>>> oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.annotations.EJBAnnotationsProc
>>>>>> essor.getOwnerMapping(EJBAnnotationsProcessor.java:418)
>>>>>> at
>>>>>> oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.annotations.EJBAnnotationsProc
>>>>>> essor.getOwnerMappingForeignKeys(EJBAnnotationsProcessor.java:
>>>>>> 430)
>>>>>> at
>>>>>> oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.annotations.EJBAnnotationsProc
>>>>>> essor.processOneToMany(EJBAnnotationsProcessor.java:1893)
>>>>>> at
>>>>>> oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.annotations.EJBAnnotationsProc
>>>>>> essor.processRelationshipAccessor(EJBAnnotationsProcessor.java:
>>>>>> 2236)
>>>>>> at
>>>>>> oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.annotations.EJBAnnotationsProc
>>>>>> essor.processRelatedClass(EJBAnnotationsProcessor.java:2207)
>>>>>> at
>>>>>> oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.annotations.EJBAnnotationsProc
>>>>>> essor.processORAnnotations(EJBAnnotationsProcessor.java:1989)
>>>>>> at
>>>>>> oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.ejb.cmp3.EntityManagerSetupImp
>>>>>> l.predeploy(EntityManagerSetupImpl.java:299)
>>>>>> at
>>>>>> oracle.toplink.essentials.ejb.cmp3.EntityManagerFactoryProvider.c
>>>>>> reateContainerEntityManagerFactory
>>>>>> (EntityManagerFactoryProvider.java:
>>>>>> 104)
>>>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> ----
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