Re: nb issue 119567 and filing gf/toplink issue]

From: Tom Ware <>
Date: Thu, 01 Nov 2007 09:18:27 -0400

Hi Marina and Sahoo,

  What do we have to do to reproduce the problem shown in Sahoo's
recreation. i.e. what are the prerequisites of running that code?
Where do you put MultiByteDirNameTest.class to get the URL:
file:/tmp/%3f%3f%3f%3f/MultiByteDirNameTest.class? How specific is this
problem to NetBeans? (i.e. is it more of a problem because of where
NetBeans tends to put things?


Marina Vatkina wrote:

> Hi Sahoo,
> I think I read somewhere that URLs can have problems to compare equal
> and they shouldn't be used because they were poorly designed.
> Tom,
> What do you think?
> thanks,
> -marina
> Sahoo wrote:
>> With the extra information supplied by Ken in another email, I am
>> able to reproduce this bug on my system using a very basic JPA
>> enabled Java SE application. The problem is different from the one
>> faced by Bill. It is a very interesting issue. Look at the code
>> snippet below and the output it produces:
>> public class MultiByteDirNameTest {
>> public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
>> URL origURL =
>> ClassLoader.getSystemResource("MultiByteDirNameTest.class");
>> System.out.println("origURL = " + origURL);
>> URI origURI = origURL.toURI();
>> System.out.println("origURI = " + origURI);
>> File f = new File(origURI);
>> System.out.println("f = " + f);
>> URI newURI = f.toURI();
>> System.out.println("newURI = " + newURI);
>> URL newURL = newURI.toURL();
>> System.out.println("newURL = " + newURL);
>> boolean areBothURLsSame = origURL.equals(newURL);
>> System.out.println("areBothURLsSame = " + areBothURLsSame);
>> boolean areBothURIsSame = origURI.equals(newURI);
>> System.out.println("areBothURIsSame = " + areBothURIsSame);
>> }
>> }
>> origURL = file:/tmp/%3f%3f%3f%3f/MultiByteDirNameTest.class
>> origURI = file:/tmp/%3f%3f%3f%3f/MultiByteDirNameTest.class
>> f = /tmp/????/MultiByteDirNameTest.class
>> newURI = file:/tmp/%3F%3F%3F%3F/MultiByteDirNameTest.class
>> newURL = file:/tmp/%3F%3F%3F%3F/MultiByteDirNameTest.class
>> areBothURLsSame = false
>> areBothURIsSame = true
>> --------
>> Are you surprised to see areBothURLsSame being false, yet
>> areBothURIsSame is true? I suspect that is because URL is known not
>> to handle special characters well.
>> JDK team must have good reasons to design these things the way they
>> have done it. Even otherwise, it will be extremely difficult to get a
>> fix in classes. So, I think this should be handled in our code.
>> Now why TopLink is failing:
>> -------------------------------------
>> TopLink creates a emf name using the origURL + puName. Subsequently,
>> they try to look up an emf name using newURL + puName assuming that
>> origURL and newURL would be same. Since that's not the case, the
>> String comparison fails, and the code fails to locate the emf in the
>> global map maintained in EntityManagerFactoryProvider.
>> The Fix:
>> -----------
>> In EntityManagerFactoryProvider, change
>> protected static final HashMap<String, EntityManagerSetupImpl>
>> emSetupImpls
>> to
>> protected static final HashMap<PUName, EntityManagerSetupImpl>
>> emSetupImpls,
>> where PUName is defined like this:
>> class PUName {
>> URI puRootURI; String name;
>> @Override public int hashCode() {return
>> puRootURI.hashCode()+name.hashCode();}
>> @Override public boolean equals(Object other) {
>> if (other instanceof PUName) {
>> PUName another = PUName.class.cast(other);
>> return (another.puRootURI.equals(puRootURI) &&
>> }
>> return false;
>> }
>> }
>> The callers have to be changed as well.
>> Thanks,
>> Sahoo
>> Sahoo wrote:
>>> Hi Marina,
>>> Without having access to the test case and the full details of the
>>> failure, I am inclined to say that this is a different problem from
>>> what Bill was facing.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Sahoo
>>> Marina Vatkina wrote:
>>>> Hi Sahoo,
>>>> Can it be the same change that caused problems to Bill Shannon (do
>>>> you remember that?), cause the multibyte problem?
>>>> thanks,
>>>> -marina
>>>> Ken Frank wrote:
>>>>> Here is more specific info on how we call the toplink for the
>>>>> situation
>>>>> where it does not work when a dir path has multibyte in it.
>>>>> I can file an issue; what cat/subcat should be used and what is
>>>>> location
>>>>> of the bug filing s/w ?
>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> javax.persistence.Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("samplePU")
>>>>> call fails with the following exception
>>>>> javax.persistence.PersistenceException:
>>>>> No Persistence provider for EntityManager named samplePU: The
>>>>> following providers:
>>>>> oracle.toplink.essentials.PersistenceProvider
>>>>> oracle.toplink.essentials.ejb.cmp3.EntityManagerFactoryProvider
>>>>> Returned null to createEntityManagerFactory.
>>>>> at
>>>>> javax.persistence.Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(
>>>>> at
>>>>> javax.persistence.Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(
>>>>> ...
>>>>> when a standalone (J2SE) application is executed in a directory
>>>>> with multibyte characters (both, the application jar file and
>>>>> TopLink classes are in such directory). The same application works
>>>>> correctly when executed in a directory with ASCII characters only.
>>>>> Thanks - Ken