I've been looking at some profiles of the performance test, and one of
the bottlenecks occurs because of this code in ObjectBuilder.java:
public void iterate(DescriptorIterator iterator) {
// PERF: Avoid synchronized enumerator as is concurrency bottleneck.
Vector mappings = getDescriptor().getMappings();
for (int index = 0; index < mappings.size(); index++) {
I'm not sure of the intent behind this code, but it is either
sub-optimal or semantically incorrect -- depending on the answers to
these questions:
1) Is the Database mapping vector immutable? If so, then at the very
least the mappings.size() can be pulled out of the loop -- but really, a
simple array would be a much more efficient data structure. If not, then
the next questions come into play:
2) Are items removed from the mapping (one thread removes while another
thread is iterating)? If so, this method will sometimes throw an
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. [Which conceivably could happen also if
an item is added given alternate implementations of the Vector class,
and of course we can't depend on the implementation of that class.]
Additionally, it may skip items (which may or may not be a semantic
3) Are items added in the middle of the mapping? If so, the iterator
will process some items twice (which may or may not be a semantic error
but probably isn't good for performance). [If items are appended to the
mapping, they may be skipped by this iterator -- again, possibly a
semantic error but not necessarily.]
Most interesting to me is that we got to this code because when the
current transaction ended, the toplink code when through
collectAndPrepareForCommit() -> assignSequenceNumbers() ->
discoverAllUnregisteredNewObjects(). But as this is a read-only test,
searching a two-dimensional array for something that won't be there is
something that could be optimized. Though that's doubtless a long-term
thing to look at.
In the meanwhile, can someone explain to me the usage of the data
structure in this context (and, in fact, similar code in
DatabaseAccessor.fetchRow(), ObjectBuilder.buildAttributesIntoObject(),
and AbtractRecord.getIndicatingNoEntry() -- call from which to
vector.size() account for 6% of the time in the profile, primarily from
synchronization contention).