Looking for Help on Relationship Query Using Expressions

From: sonavor <>
Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2008 20:27:27 -0700 (PDT)

I have seen some relationship query examples using Toplink and named queries.
I am having trouble with using Expressions and ExpressionBuilder to create a
desired query that has left outer joins.

My table structure is like this (simplified) -

     ParentItem table
        - pId : String (PK)
        - name : String
        - pAttributes : Collection (one-to-many) - to ParentItemAttribute
        - pObjects : Collection (one-to-many) - to ParentObject table

     ParentItemAttribute table
        - pattrId : int (PK)
        - pId : String (FK to ParentItem table)
        - attrName : String
        - attrValue : String

     ParentObject table
        - pobjId : int (PK)
        - pId : String (FK to ParentItem table)
        - type : String
        - poAttributes : Collection (many-to-many) - to ObjectItemAttribute

      ObjectItemAttribute table
        - oattrId : int (PK)
        - pobjId : int (FK to ParentObject table)
        - attrName : String
        - attrValue : String

So the structure of the JPA entity classes it that the top-level entity is
ParentItem has a one-to-many relationship to ParentItemAttribute entity.
ParentItem also has a one-to-many relationship to ParentObject entity.
ParentObject has a one-to-many relationship to ObjectItemAttribute entity.

The insert, update and delete operations all work with these entities.

I would like to have a query that will retrieve ParentItem objects based on
this query:

SELECT ParentItem.pId,
FROM ParentItem LEFT OUTER JOIN ParentItemAttribute on ParentItem.pId =
ParentItemAttribute.pId LEFT OUTER JOIN ParentObject on ParentItem.pId =
ParentObject.pId LEFT OUTER JOIN ObjectItemAttribute on ParentObject.pobjId
= ObjectItemAttribute.pobjId
WHERE (ParentItemAttribute.attrName = ? OR ObjectItemAttribute.attrName = ?)
AND ParentItem.pId = ?

I wasn't able to get a LEFT OUTER JOIN to work correctly using JPA QL. I
couldn't solve the JOIN FETCH syntax. From what I can tell from the Oracle
Toplink Developers Guide PDF document, the way to build queries with joins
the way I am trying is to use the Toplink Expressions.

In that attempt I have got kind of close. I have tried things like this -

String parentItemId = "test001";
String testAttrName = "name123";

Expression masterExp = null;
ExpressionBuilder piExb = new ExpressionBuilder(ParentItem.class);
Expression piExp = piExb.get("pId").equal(parentItemId);

Expression attrExp =

ExpressionBuilder objSEB = new ExpressionBuilder();
ReportQuery aSubQuery = new ReportQuery(ParentObject.class, objSEB);

Expression objExp =

attrExp = attrExp.or(objExp);

masterExp = piExp.and(attrExp);

ReadAllQuery raQ = new ReadAllQuery(ParentItem.class);

Session session = ( (oracle.toplink.essentials.ejb.cmp3.EntityManager)

if ( session != null ) {
    ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
    List<ParentItem> results = (List)session.executeQuery(raQ);
    if ( results != null ) {
        for ( Iterator it = results.iterator();it.hasNext(); ) {
            ParentItem pi = (ParentItem);
            if ( pi != null ) {
                // do something with the ParentItem
    } else {
        // display something about not finding any results
} else {
    // throw an exception

The resulting query fails with the following error -
Exception [TOPLINK-4002] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2.0.1 (Build b09d-fcs
(12/06/2007))): oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.DatabaseException
Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver
for JDBC][SQLServer]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '='.

Error Code: 170

So my join is not correct as can be seen in the Toplink generated SQL
FROM ParentItem t0
LEFT OUTER JOIN ParentItemAttribute t1 ON (t1.pId = t0.pId)
LEFT OUTER JOIN ParentObject t2 ON (t2.pId = t0.pId)
WHERE ((t0.pId = ?) AND ((t1.attrName = ?) OR ( = (SELECT DISTINCT
t3.oattrId, t3.pobjId, t3.attrName, t3.attrValue FROM ParentObject t4,
ObjectItemAttribute t3 WHERE ((t3.attrName = ?) AND (t3.pobjId = t4.pobjId)

        bind => [test001, name123]

I only included this attempt as it is one of many combinations I have tried.
Has anyone built this type of join query with Toplink and is this the right
approach? Maybe I should just create a view for the data I am trying to get
and then create a JPA entity class to query the view?

Thanks for any help offered.
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