Re: Getting error Glassfish + JPA + Jersey

From: Michael Bar-sinai <>
Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 15:30:06 +0200

Try getting the EntityManager via injection:
 @Persistence*Context*(unitName = "citespacePU")
*EntityManager em*;

On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 1:04 AM, Marina Vatkina <>wrote:
> You look it up :)
> Roan Brasil Monteiro wrote:
>> How can I get the EntityManager from JNDI?
>> 2009/10/16 Roan Brasil Monteiro < <mailto:
>>    For example using CMT = container managed transaction or the best
>>    practice to avoid problems...
>>    2009/10/16 Roan Brasil Monteiro <
>>    <>>
>>        Hey ,
>>        Thanks thats idea worked for me. You helped me a lot. I have
>>        another question, what is the right way to do that or the best
>>        way to persist?
>>        2009/10/16 Mitesh Meswani <
>>        <>>
>>            Application managed entitymanagers need to be either created
>>            inside an active transaction or you need to explicitly call
>>            joinTransaction() to make it part of active transaction.
>>            Modify your code as follows
>>                     EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
>>            //Either move this after utx.begin() below
>>                                     UserTransaction utx = getUtx();
>>                               try {
>>                         utx.begin();
>>  //Or call following
>>                         em.joinTransaction();
>>                         em.persist(p);
>>                         utx.commit();
>>            Roan Brasil Monteiro wrote:
>>                Dont persist and dont show error . The tables are
>>                created but when I persist I cannot and got it. Bellow
>>                is my code. The table Place is created but dont persist.
>>                Why?
>>                My class
>>                @Path("/test")
>>                public class Test {
>>                              @PersistenceUnit(unitName = "citespacePU")
>>                    EntityManagerFactory emf;
>>                                        @GET
>>                      @Produces("text/plain")
>>                      public String getIt() throws NamingException {
>>                          StringBuilder strb = new StringBuilder();
>>                                    Place p = new Place();
>>                          p.setName("Roan");
>>                                    EntityManager em =
>>                emf.createEntityManager();
>>                                            UserTransaction utx =
>>                getUtx();                           try {
>>                              utx.begin();
>>          em.persist(p);
>>                              utx.commit();
>>                          } catch (Exception e) {
>>                              try {
>>                                  utx.rollback();
>>                              } catch (SystemException se) {
>>                                  throw new WebApplicationException(se);
>>                              }
>>                              throw new WebApplicationException(e);
>>                          } finally {
>>                              em.close();
>>                          }
>>                persistence.xml
>>                <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>                <persistence version="1.0"
>>                xmlns=""
>>                xmlns:xsi=""
>>                xsi:schemaLocation="
>> ">
>>                 <persistence-unit name="citespacePU"
>>                transaction-type="JTA">
>> <provider>org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence</provider>
>>                     <jta-data-source>jdbc/TestDS</jta-data-source>
>>                   <properties>               <property
>>                name="" value="update"/>
>>                        <property
>>                name="hibernate.connection.characterEncoding"
>>                value="UTF-8"/>
>>                   </properties>
>>                 </persistence-unit>
>>                </persistence>
>>                --                Atenciosamente,
>>                Roan Brasil Monteiro
>>        --        Atenciosamente,
>>        Roan Brasil Monteiro
>>    --    Atenciosamente,
>>    Roan Brasil Monteiro
>> --
>> Atenciosamente,
>> Roan Brasil Monteiro