Re: [Fwd: Thread "need help to configure persistence.xml with tomcat datasource" has been updated by gkatz]

From: Marina Vatkina <Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 01 May 2006 10:54:23 -0700


The problem is not with creating a persistence.xml, but for the runtime
to support a datasource in Java SE cases, where InitialContext lookup
is available from the environment (like Tomcat).

My $.02.

Pavel Buzek wrote:
> Disclosure: I am a netbeans engineer working on java ee 5 support. I
> know this is a GF alias and I should not be advertising netbeans. But
> since you ask for how to make it easier for the user this is the
> simplest way I know. Anyone is welcome to suggest other ways.
> If you use netbeans it will help you to create the persistence unit in
> the correct format. Depending on the type of application: j2se, web 2.4
> (tomcat, jboss, app server 8.x), web 2.5 (glassfish) or ejb 3.0
> (glassfish, jboss) it will guide you to select either a data source or
> jdbc connection. For jdbc it knows how to setup vendor specific
> connection properties for toplink, hibernate and kodo.
> -pavel
> Sanjeeb Kumar Sahoo wrote:
>> Given the number of Tomcat users, we should make things easier for them.
>> -- Sahoo
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Subject:
>> Thread "need help to configure persistence.xml with tomcat datasource"
>> has been updated by gkatz
>> From:
>> Jive Administrator <>
>> Date:
>> Sat, 29 Apr 2006 02:43:42 -0700 (PDT)
>> To:
>> ss141213 <>
>> To:
>> ss141213 <>
>> ss141213,
>> You are watching the thread "need help to configure persistence.xml
>> with tomcat datasource", which was updated Apr 29, 2006 2:43:42 AM by
>> gkatz.
>> To view the thread, visit: