Re: [Fwd: AS9.0 and java2db feature]

From: Ludovic Champenois <ludovic.champenois_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2005 19:49:43 -0800

Pramod Gopinath wrote:

> Hi
> I have checked in the changes for supporting java2db from within the
> application server environment. I have attached a document that U
> could use to start using this feature. As and when I update the
> document I will keep U all posted.
> Thanks
> Pramod Gopinath

One question: why the S1AS_HOME env variable name?
Seems quite obsolete as a name, no?
Where is it defined or documented?

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *Support for Java2db in AS9.0*
> As of 11/21/2005
> Currently we support java2db from within the application server
> environment. When the out of container case is supported this document
> would be updated to reflect it.
> *How to enable the java2db feature for a ejb 3.0 ear ?*
> To enable java2db for an ejb 3.0 ear define the following properties
> for a persistence unit descriptor in the persistence.xml.
> "ddl-generation" ::: with possible values of
> "createtables"/"dropandcreate"/"none"
> "create-ddl-jdbc-file-name" ::: (optional): <name of the create ddl file>
> "drop-ddl-jdbc-file-name" ::: (optional): <name of the create ddl file>
> "application-location" (For within a container in the code this value
> would be set to the app generated directory. This property would be
> used for the out of container case to define the location where one
> would want the jdbc ddl files to be stored.).
> e.g. of a persistence.xml usage could be
> /<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>/
> /<persistence xmlns=""
> xmlns:xsi="" >/
> /<persistence-unit name="em">/
> /<description>This is a test persistence.xml for java2db
> support</description>/
> /<properties>/
> /<property name="ddl-generation" value="dropandcreate"/>/
> /<property name="create-ddl-jdbc-file-name" value="create_ora.jdbc"/>/
> /<property name="drop-ddl-jdbc-file-name" value="drop_ora.jdbc"/>/
> /</properties>/
> /</persistence-unit>/
> /</persistence>/
> *How to enable java2db feature w/o changing the ejb3.0 ear ?*
> The easiest way to enable this feature w/o changing the application
> ear is by using the asadmin cli commands :
> --createtables=true/false. Specified at deploy time to ensure that the
> tables are created in the database.
> --dropandcreatetables=true/false. Specified at redeploy time to ensure
> that the old tables are dropped and new ones created at redeploy time.
> --droptables=true/false. Specified at undeploy time to ensure that the
> tables are dropped from the database.
> These are the same commands that work with our application server for
> cmp2.x beans. These options overwrite the setting of the properties
> that might be defined in the persistence.xml.
> example :
> 1.
> Command to deploy an ejb3.0 application that does not contain
> the properties defined but still create the required tables in
> the database :
> /$S1AS_HOME/bin/asadmin deploy --retrieve . --user admin
> --password adminadmin --host localhost --port 4848
> --createtables=true --name onetomany --force=true
> /export/home/tools/ejb30_related/persistence-onetomanyApp.ear/
> 2.
> Command to redeploy an ejb3.0 application that does not contain
> the properties and ensure that the tables get recreated in the
> database :
> /$S1AS_HOME/bin/asadmin deploy --retrieve . --user admin
> --password adminadmin --host localhost --port 4848
> --dropandcreatetables=true --name onetomany --force=true
> /export/home/tools/ejb30_related/persistence-onetomanyApp.ear/
> 3.
> Command to undeploy the ejb3.0 application that does not contain
> the properties and ensure that the tables get dropped from the
> database :
> /$S1AS_HOME/bin/asadmin undeploy --user admin --password adminadmin
> --host localhost --port 4848 --droptables=true onetomany/
> *How does the cli commands interact/affect the properties if they are
> defined in persistence.xml ?*
> The cli options (--createtables/--dropandcreatetables/--droptables)
> take precedence over the properties in the persistence.xml.
> Lets take an example to further explain this :
> The user has defined the following in their persistence.xml
> ddl-generation : dropandcreate
> and then when deploying the application has specified
> --createtables=false.
> We then create the jdbc ddl statements but not execute the ddl
> statements against the database. But if the --createtables option is
> not defined at the deploy time, we would create the jdbc ddl
> statements and also execute the ddls against the database.
> *What happens if the jdbc ddl file names are not specified in the
> persistence.xml ?*
> This situation is similar to the cmp2.x case and we end up create ddl
> files with some default names. We try to create the name of the file
> by prepending the application and/or module name followed by the
> persistence unit name and then a static string of the form
> "createDDL.jdbc" or "dropDDL.jdbc".
> So you might see files with names like
> /default_em_dropDDL.jdbc/ and /default_em_createDDL.jdbc/
> OR
> /realApp_war1_ejb_em1_dropDDL.jdbc/ and
> /realApp_war1_ejb_em1_createDDL.jdbc/
> (this is case where the persistence.xml is defined in a war file)
> *Do all the asadmin command options for java2db defined for AS8.x work
> as is with AS9.0 ?*
> Not at this point of time. There are options like -uniquetablenames
> and -dbvendorname that can be defined for AS8.x and are currently not
> supported for AS9.0. These options might be supported in the future
> and this document would be updated to reflect the same.