Re: Code reviews for Issues 139 and 335

From: Pramod Gopinath <Pramod.Gopinath_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2006 18:15:01 -0800

Hi Gordon / Peter
  There was one more file that I had missed in my earlier jar. Hence
resending the jar.


Pramod Gopinath wrote:
> Hi Gordon / Peter
> Issues being addressed :
> 139 - Java2DB does not drop sequences during undeploy/redeploy
> 335 - Generator Table of TableGenerator getting dirty + no PK on name
> column with derby
> Peter had suggested in issue 139 to provide some code snippets that
> would help to drop the sequence table. But doing this would cause
> problems, specifically in cases where there are multiple applications
> sharing the same sequence generator table. So instead of dropping the
> entire table I have made changes to the code to ensure that we just
> issue a delete statement to just drop the row that is associated for
> this particular applicaton. In short for entities in this application
> that are using sequence generator table would have the row dropped.
> In case of issue 335, ensured that we would create the sequence table
> with the sequence name as a primary key for that sequence. This would
> ensure that we do not insert multiple rows of the same sequence name
> into the generator table.
> As part of these code changes I had refactored code and ensured that I
> define new methods and retain the behavior of the old methods as is
> (for backward compatibility.
> I have attached a jar containing the sources as well as the diff files.
> Thanks
> Pramod
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------