RE: Re: SQL Parameter Binding - how to enable?

From: yonestar <>
Date: Sun, 17 May 2009 08:35:44 -0700 (PDT)


That was it! No quotes needed.

Many thanks,

Kulkarni, Ravi wrote:
> The other thing could be that you have quotes when you are setting the
> parameter. Normally; you do not need to add the quotes explicitly as
> Toplink can deduce the correct parameter type and send the correct
> actual value the DBMS expects. Hence; the actual SQL issued could be:
> SELECT * FROM container WHERE contid = '''Tank00000001''' AND
> siteid = 'YoniCntr' AND > subcontid > 0 ORDER BY subcontid ASC
> To remove the quotes; just change the statement
> em.createNativeQuery(sql.toString(),
> Container.class).setParameter(1, "'"+contid+"'").getResultList();
> to
> em.createNativeQuery(sql.toString(),
> Container.class).setParameter(1,
> contid).getResultList();
> - Ravi
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tom Ware []
> Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2009 6:04 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: SQL Parameter Binding - how to enable?
> Hi,
> It looks like parameter binding is working. The "bind =>
> ['Tank00000001']"
> string in your logging output gives that impression.
> If you execute the same query in your DB query, does it work? (i.e.
> use
> 'Tank00000001' in your DB query rather than 'Tank00000000'.
> If that does not help, it would be a good idea to increase the
> logging level
> to FINEST and take a look at the logging information when your session
> logs in
> to ensure you are logging into the database as you expect.
> -Tom
> yonestar wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I can't seem to get parameter binding to work! Does it need to be
> enabled?
>> I am using Glassfish, Toplink, NetBeans, and Derby -- the standard
> NetBeans
>> package.
>> StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer("SELECT * FROM container WHERE
> contid =
>> ?1 AND ...... ");
>> em.createNativeQuery(sql.toString(), Container.class).setParameter(1,
>> "'"+contid+"'").getResultList();
>> <property name="toplink.bind-all-parameters" value="true"/>
>> <property name="toplink.jbdc.bind-parameters" value="true"/>
>> SELECT * FROM container WHERE contid = ? AND siteid = 'YoniCntr' AND
>> subcontid > 0 ORDER BY subcontid ASC
>> bind => ['Tank00000001']
>> And I get no results!
>> I have written the exact same query without parameter binding, which
> gets
>> executed like
>> SELECT * FROM container WHERE contid = 'Tank00000000' AND siteid =
>> 'YoniCntr' AND subcontid > 0 ORDER BY subcontid ASC
>> And results do return!
>> Please advise, many thanks!

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