Bug Comparing Enum with Bindingparameter

From: Christian Kerwer <>
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 16:35:18 +0100

Here ist the NamedQuery:


               name =

               query = "select lnk"

                     + " from PlanningObjectLink lnk, PlanningObject po"

                     + " join lnk.planningClassLink pcl"

                     + " join lnk.reference lref"

                     + " join lnk.parent lp"

                     + " join pcl.structureList pcs"

                     + " where = :planningObjectId"

                     + " and = :planningClassStructureId"

                     + " and lref = po and " +

                     + " and (:planningRelationType is null or
pcl.planningRelationType = :planningRelationType)"

                     + " order by"


This is the joined Entity Field (in Entity PlanningClassLink)


   @Column( name = "RELATIONTYPE" )

   private PlanningRelationType planningRelationType;


And this is the execution:

Query v_Query = getEntityManager().createNamedQuery(
"PlanningObjectLink-ParentsWithRelationTypeInStructureId" );

      v_Query.setParameter( "planningObjectId", p_PlanningObject.getId() );

      v_Query.setParameter( "planningClassStructureId",
p_PlanningClassStructure.getId() );


      if (p_FollowOnlyPrimaryLinks)


         v_Query.setParameter( "planningRelationType",
PlanningRelationType.PRIMARY.toString() );




         v_Query.setParameter( "planningRelationType", null );



      // Hier muß die Rechteprüfung ausgeschaltet sein!

      v_Query.setParameter( "isAdmin", true );

      v_Query.setParameter( "funcKey", null );

      v_Query.setParameter( "userId", null );


      List<PlanningObjectLink> v_LinksToParenst;



         v_LinksToParenst = (List<PlanningObjectLink>)


      catch( IllegalStateException e )


         throw new DAOException( this, e );


      catch( IllegalArgumentException e )


         throw new DAOException( this, e );




Von: Gordon Yorke []
Gesendet: Montag, 28. Januar 2008 16:18
Betreff: RE: Bug Comparing Enum with Bindingparameter


Can you provide the section of code that is setting the parameter and
executing the query. Can you send a bit more of the stack trace?


-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Kerwer []
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 9:50 AM
Subject: Bug Comparing Enum with Bindingparameter



I’m experiencing a problem with NamedQueries.

In den following example in a NamedQuery an enum-field is to be compared
with an binding-parameter.

There’s no reason why this is not allowed, since it is possible to bind enum
parameter with ‚query.setParameter()’.


Toplink quits this issue with the following reason:

invalid enum equal expression, cannot compare enum value of type
[MyEnumType] with a non enum value of type [java.lang.Object]


Anyone an idea?