There are 2 issues really at hand.
- solve the immediate problem with what is in the maven repository given
it is way out of date
- address the issue of the version dynamically at build time.
I agree it makes no sense to say this is build 35 when we might be on
build 50
Marina, can we easily automate the generation of the build number for
the release.version property by tying into what is glassfish uses
elsewhere (i would suspect such as via the CLI version command)?
Tom Ware wrote:
> I am a little surprised we are making that change in what appears to
> me to be a static way.
> i.e. we are changing the in the entity-persistence
> directory to always say:
> release.version=2.0-35
> I would expect the build part of that string to be generated dynamically.
> Am I missing something?
> -Tom
> Lance J. Andersen wrote:
>> Hi Tom,
>> The 35 does align with the build number from glassfish from which the
>> jars originated from. Currently the downloads for Toplink
>> Essentials on the glassfish and oracle download pages align to the
>> build numbers that they are from:
>> This at least gives us a way to know the revision of the source they
>> are based off of.
>> Regards
>> Lance
>> Tom Ware wrote:
>>> Hi Marina,
>>> Hopefully this is a bit of a stupid question.
>>> What is the "-35" for in the TopLink version? Does that relate to
>>> the build number? If so, why are we tying a build number to the
>>> TopLink jar in this way?
>>> -Tom
>>> Marina Vatkina wrote:
>>>> I made the following changes to create jars with a new version:
>>>> 1. Changed version of the persistence-api related files to 1.0b in
>>>> persistence-api:
>>>> Index:
>>>> ===================================================================
>>>> RCS file: /cvs/glassfish/persistence-api/,v
>>>> retrieving revision 1.4
>>>> diff -r1.4
>>>> 29c29
>>>> < release.version=1.0
>>>> ---
>>>>> release.version=1.0b
>>>> 2. Changed version of the toplink related files to 2.0-35 and the
>>>> dependency on the p-api to 1.0b in entity-persistence:
>>>> Index:
>>>> ===================================================================
>>>> RCS file: /cvs/glassfish/entity-persistence/,v
>>>> retrieving revision 1.2
>>>> diff -r1.2
>>>> 29c29
>>>> < release.version=1.0
>>>> ---
>>>>> release.version=2.0-35
>>>> Index: toplink-essentials.pom
>>>> ===================================================================
>>>> RCS file: /cvs/glassfish/entity-persistence/toplink-essentials.pom,v
>>>> retrieving revision 1.1
>>>> diff -r1.1 toplink-essentials.pom
>>>> 10c10
>>>> < <version>1.0</version>
>>>> ---
>>>>> <version>1.0b</version>
>>>> I tested by creating the files without pushing them to the
>>>> repository. Their names look correct:
>>>> persistence-api/build/maven-repo/javax.persistence/jars/persistence-api-1.0b.jar
>>>> persistence-api/build/maven-repo/javax.persistence/jars/persistence-api-1.0b.jar.md5
>>>> persistence-api/build/maven-repo/javax.persistence/poms/persistence-api-1.0b.pom
>>>> persistence-api/build/maven-repo/javax.persistence/poms/persistence-api-1.0b.pom.md5
>>>> persistence-api/build/maven-repo/javax.persistence/java-sources/persistence-api-1.0b-sources.jar
>>>> persistence-api/build/maven-repo/javax.persistence/java-sources/persistence-api-1.0b-sources.jar.md5
>>>> entity-persistence/build/maven-repo/javax.persistence/jars/toplink-essentials-2.0-35.jar
>>>> entity-persistence/build/maven-repo/javax.persistence/jars/toplink-essentials-2.0-35.jar.md5
>>>> entity-persistence/build/maven-repo/javax.persistence/poms/toplink-essentials-2.0-35.pom
>>>> entity-persistence/build/maven-repo/javax.persistence/poms/toplink-essentials-2.0-35.pom.md5
>>>> entity-persistence/build/maven-repo/javax.persistence/java-sources/toplink-essentials-2.0-35-sources.jar
>>>> entity-persistence/build/maven-repo/javax.persistence/java-sources/toplink-essentials-2.0-35-sources.jar.md5
>>>> entity-persistence/build/maven-repo/oracle.toplink.essentials.agent/jars/toplink-essentials-agent-2.0-35.jar
>>>> entity-persistence/build/maven-repo/oracle.toplink.essentials.agent/jars/toplink-essentials-agent-2.0-35.jar.md5
>>>> entity-persistence/build/maven-repo/oracle.toplink.essentials.agent/poms/toplink-essentials-agent-2.0-35.pom
>>>> entity-persistence/build/maven-repo/oracle.toplink.essentials.agent/poms/toplink-essentials-agent-2.0-35.pom.md5
>>>> entity-persistence/build/maven-repo/oracle.toplink.essentials.agent/java-sources/toplink-essentials-agent-2.0-35-sources.jar
>>>> entity-persistence/build/maven-repo/oracle.toplink.essentials.agent/java-sources/toplink-essentials-agent-2.0-35-sources.jar.md5
>>>> thanks,
>>>> -marina