RE: case insensitive

From: Eve Pokua <>
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 09:44:53 +0000

Hello everyone,
Yes, I am having exactly the same problem. I used to use
MS SQL server 2000/2005 express. When I use JPA with these
DBMS, my queries would always return data whether the user enters
data in lower case or upper case, the result was never case sensitive.
I am now trying to use the JavaDB that comes with the Sun application server
9s. Data is now sensitive. I would be interested to know how I can make this
Thanking you.

Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 14:15:41 +0300From: Tpan_at_agilitylogistics.comTo: case insensitive

Hi, When I use the JPA, I am confuse about its query for how to makeit case insensitive.For exampe, if I search in the db as " like ?1" and setParameter 1as "china", thenthe result will not include the "China". So could you tell me how tomake the query caseinsensitive? Thanks a lot.RdsAll Business is handled subject to our General Trading Conditions. A copy can be made available upon request.
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