Re: Direct DB updates are not visible in in JPA (even after clearing)

From: Adam Bien <>
Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2008 19:54:43 +0200

Forgot to mention essential information:

The EntityManager uses the same DataSource as the connection which
updates the table...


Adam Bien schrieb:
> Markus,
> I use both in the same TX. So using the same connection is the only
> way to keep the data consistent. Otherwise you would really have to
> use XA.
> On WLS 10 it worked without XA - the configuration was very similar...
> However the connection is only my suspicion. Aggresive caching could
> be the cause as well...
> regards,
> adam
> Markus KARG schrieb:
>> Adam,
>> what makes you so certain that the EntityManager and the DataSource
>> are using technically the same JDBC Connection instance (unless they
>> will do, they will end up with two different connections provided
>> over the same physical link)? I mean, unless you take explicit care
>> for that, the EntityManager will use a different JDBC Connection
>> provided by the same DataSource.
>> Have Fun
>> Markus
>> Adam Bien schrieb:
>>> Markus,
>>> you are right, but actually I do not want to have 2PC. I would
>>> expect, that the EntityManager as well as the DataSource would use
>>> exactly the *same* connection.
>>> Both are accessing the same resource - so 2PC / XA are actually not
>>> needed. The application server should not initiate a
>>> two-phase-commit protocol in this case.
>>> thank you for the link and help!,
>>> adam
>>> Markus KARG schrieb:
>>>> Adam,
>>>> I guess that the problem is that you declared the connection
>>>> factory to use DataSource instead of XADataSource. AFAIK only
>>>> XADataSource can participate in distributed TX, while DataSource
>>>> always will use a local (different) exception. At least this is
>>>> what I have understood from the JDBC spec what the main difference
>>>> between DataSource and XADataSource is. See
>>>> Can you try the same use case with "|OracleXADataSource| " instead
>>>> of "OracleDataSource" and "XADataSource" instead of "DataSource"?
>>>> Maybe that will help. :-)
>>>> Have Fun
>>>> Markus
>>>> Adam Bien schrieb:
>>>>> Forgot screenshot / configuration,
>>>>> adam
>>>>> Adam Bien schrieb:
>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>> I ran into following problem: Direct changes in the database
>>>>>> (SQL updates) performed in the same Bean-method, and so
>>>>>> transaction, are not visible for the EntityManager (subsequent
>>>>>> find).
>>>>>> Even invoking EntityManager#clear does not solve the problem. The
>>>>>> problem is strange, I suspect that the DB-connection from the
>>>>>> datasource does not participate in the TX. This would explain
>>>>>> such behaviour.
>>>>>> Server: Glassfishv2u2
>>>>>> Database: OracleXE
>>>>>> The Bean looks like:
>>>>>> @Stateless
>>>>>> @Remote(VehicleManager.class)
>>>>>> @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW)
>>>>>> public class VehicleManagerBean implements VehicleManager {
>>>>>> @PersistenceContext
>>>>>> private EntityManager entityManager;
>>>>>> @Resource(mappedName = "jdbc/db1")
>>>>>> * private DataSource dataSource;*
>>>>>> @EJB
>>>>>> private DataService dataService;
>>>>>> public Vehicle findChangeDBClearFind(int id, String newColor) {
>>>>>> Vehicle vehicle = this.find(id);
>>>>>> try {
>>>>>> //changes the color of the vehicle directly in the DB
>>>>>> * this.changeVehiclesColor(id, newColor);*
>>>>>> * * } catch (Exception e) {
>>>>>> throw new EJBException("Problem executing statement" +
>>>>>> e, e);
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> this.entityManager.clear();
>>>>>> return this.find(id);
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> private void changeVehiclesColor(int id, String color) throws
>>>>>> Exception {
>>>>>> Connection connection = this.dataSource.getConnection();
>>>>>> Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
>>>>>> String sqlStatement = "update vehicle set color=\'" +
>>>>>> color + "\' where id=" + id;
>>>>>> System.out.println(sqlStatement);
>>>>>> int updatedRecords = statement.executeUpdate(sqlStatement);
>>>>>> if (updatedRecords != 1) {
>>>>>> throw new IllegalStateException("Vehicle with id: " +
>>>>>> id + " cannot be updated!");
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> connection.close();
>>>>>> statement.close();
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> I deployed the same code to WLS 10 and it worked - the changes
>>>>>> were visible. I suppose it is probably a configuration problem. I
>>>>>> tried with different DataSource configurations - with no effect.
>>>>>> I attached my current configuration as well (screenshot).
>>>>>> Hopefully I overlooked something. If not - I will file it as a bug.
>>>>>> Thank you in advance,
>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>> adam bien
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Consultant, Author, Java Champion
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 Books: Enterprise Architekturen (ISBN: 393504299X),
        Java EE 5 Architekturen  (ISBN: 3939084247),
        J2EE Patterns, J2EE Hotspots, Enterprise Frameworks and Struts