Thanks. I have implemented the Optimistic Locking and will investigate moving to EclipseLink.
Mitesh Meswani wrote:
> I am assuming that you are using Toplink Essentials (TLE), the default
> JPA provider of GlassFish V2. It uses a L2 cache that is not cluster
> aware (Please see
> to know more about TLE caching). You can use explicit refresh and
> Optimistic Locking in your data access layer to make sure that you get
> the desired behavior while running in a clustered environment. You can
> also switch to use EclipseLink, the default JPA provider for V3.
> EclipseLink's L2 cache can be made cluster aware.
> Rebecca Searls wrote:
>>> Would a TopLink expert help us resolve a design issues
>>> that MEP (Mobile Enterprise Platform) has with persistence.
>>> MEP uses Oracel TopLink. MEP was initially designed to run in a
>>> (single) domain. We are moving it to run in a cluster. We are
>>> having a problem with the TopLink data caching. We are using
>>> the
>>> default settings, so each instance is retaining a private
>>> copy of
>>> the DB data. When one instance updates a field, the other
>>> instances
>>> are not re-reading the data to get the changes. Configuring
>>> TopLink
>>> for our configuration is quite daunting, as there is no way
>>> to determine
>>> how close we are to having the correct combination of
>>> settings. We
>>> need someone who can give us guidance on this.