RE: Java and Vista

From: Eve Pokua <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 15:38:26 +0000

Thank you.
When Vista first came, there was an issue with java that's why I enquired.
I'm glade it's ok now. I feel confidence to get one.
Thank you.

Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2009 21:34:50 +0200From: axl.mattheus_at_gmail.comTo: Re: Java and VistaEve,

I got a brand new Dell about 6 months ago. It has Vista installed. I decided to give it a fair go, and I am pleasantly surprised. It has 4GB RAM, which helps.

I have recently installed OpenSolaris 2008.11 on it (dual boot) and that is a flat incredible combination. I am running both OSes for a while and then I plan to go OpenSolaris alone (say 2009.5). However, I do not have any problems with Vista - it is actually quite nice.

2009/1/26 Christian Reiter <>
Hi Eve!Sure you can downgrade! Everything you have to do is to buy a laptop of one of themajor vendors (HP, Dell, Lenovo), they've signed contracts with Microsoft which allowyou to downgrade to XP. In the special case of HP (i'm not sure about the others) youare allowed to upgrade back again to Vista later.On the other hand, i'm developing with vista since about 6 months and do not see any problems.Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind Regards Christian Reiter PerCom-Soft HandelsgesmbH------->> NEU:Direkte Erreichbarkeit über ENUM und SIP:ENUM: +43 5242 61177 23SIP: <><<---------Christian || <>fon: +43 5242 61177 || mob: +43 664 924 55 27 || fax: +43 5242 61177 31________________________________ Von: Eve Pokua [] Gesendet: Montag, 26. Januar 2009 02:53 An: java persistglassfish glassfish Betreff: Java and Vista
       Hello everyone, I have been developing applications with Java, Javabeans3, JEE5 and netbeans 6, using XP.
       Now, I would like to purchase a new laptop which has Vista installed. As you already know, PCs are not downgradeable to XPs. Is anyone still having problems with developing applications in java using Vista?
       The main reason I am buying this is to continue my development. And of cause, faster laptop. I would appreciate any suggestions. Thanking you. eve.________________________________ Share your photos with Windows Live Photos - Free Find out more! <>Information gemaess Paragraph 14 UGB:Firmenwortlaut: PerCom-Soft HandelsGesmbHFirmenbuchnummer: FN 155246dFirmenbuchgericht: Landesgericht InnsbruckFirmensitz: A-6135 Stans, Schlagturn 24Rechtsform: Gesellschaft mit beschraenkter HaftungDVR: 0896349
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