Re: entity-persistence update

From: Tom Ware <>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2006 08:32:32 -0400

The tests still run in a single mode.

There is now a persistence unit that has DDL Generation enabled. It
does a small amount of testing of the DDL generation feature.


Marina Vatkina wrote:

>Hi Tom,
>Do now all tests under entity-persistence-tests run in 2 modes, mapped
>and java2db automatically, or would one need to enable java2db mode
>In any case, can you update the readme.txt file?
>Tom Ware wrote:
>>The check-in is complete.
>>Note: Transaction:
>>gyorke_fix-uow-in-txn-does-not-use-shared-cache_060719 below corresponds
>>to GlassFish bug 866
>>Tom Ware wrote:
>>>The following will be checked in:
>>>The transaction names corespond to the diff files in the attached jar:
>>>- lhillis_essentials_gf830_060721 Fix for gf bug 830 - Attempting to
>>>merge an entity after it has been removed now throws
>>>IllegalArgumentException. Also, merge(null), persist(null) and
>>>contains(null) now throw IllegalArgumentExceptions (all for spec
>>>- gyorke_fix-uow-in-txn-does-not-use-shared-cache_060719.merge_log
>>>Uow no longer begins early transaction if there are no changes
>>>- lhillis_essentials_gf721_060719 Fix for gf bug 721 -
>>>entityManager.find(Class, null) now throws IllegalArgumentException
>>>for null PK.
>>>Note: I have also made some changes to the entity-persistence-tests
>>>build scripts to allow the tests to run twice in a row after the check
>>>in for 668 and 716. These changes enabled the generation of foreign
>>>key constraints with the DDL Generation feature. These foreign key
>>>constraints were incompatible with the TableCreator used to create the
>>>tables in one of the models defined by orm.xml. The DDL Generation
>>>tests have been moved to a separate jar so they no longer make use of
>>>the orm.xml that is included in the main jar.