Re: entity-persistence updates

From: Tom Ware <>
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 12:01:09 -0500

The check-in is complete.

Tom Ware wrote:

>The following will be checked in:
>- cdelahun_main_gfbug1442_061130 gf1442 - Lazy attribute do not work
>with field level access, issue with weaving
>- ailitche_ri_gf1925_gf1616_061130 gf1295 - Transaction are not marked
>for rollback when RuntimeExceptions are thrown; gf1616 - Some methods
>called on a closed em don't throw exception
>- xiaosche_main_staticweave_061124 gf 1674 provide user friendly tool
>to perform static weaving instead of using java agent.
>- ailitche_ri_gf_1448 gf1448 - UpdateAll broken in a single table case
>and multitable with no where clause
>- updates to some test classes that were missing CDDL license and
>copyright information
>The attached jar file contains diff files corresponding to the
>transaction names above