Re: Configuration of Client vs. Shared Cache

From: Adam Bien <>
Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2008 21:09:49 +0100

Patch for the problem below is submitted:

Please review the enhancements. Thank you in advance!,



Gordon Yorke schrieb:
> Hello Adam,
> I can appreciate the usefulness of what you are requesting but
> there is no means by which the provider can guarantee predictable
> behaviour. The onus would be on the application developer to ensure
> that the application forcefully keep the required objects from being
> garbage collected and that no dependency was place on the garbage
> collection for making objects un-managed (the transaction would still
> have to complete successfully even if the garbage collector was
> disabled).
> I could see this functionality being added as an advanced feature
> for users with specific needs but we would need to be careful in
> presenting this feature without due warnings.
> If you would like to attempt to produce this functionality within
> TopLink I would recommend that you update the UnitOfWork's collections
> "cloneMapping", "clonesToOriginals", "newObjectsCloneToOriginal",
> "newObjectsOriginalToClone" and "deletedObjects" to have weak
> references used within the collections when a weak identity map is set
> on the UnitOfWork. Perhaps have the member variables initialized to
> Maps that use only weak references. If you have any questions on the
> internals of the UnitOfWork and its place within the TopLink
> architecture I would be happy to help.
> --Gordon
> Adam Bien wrote:
>> Hi Gordon,
>> Gordon Yorke schrieb:
>>> "even if the object is no longer referenced by the application" -> why
>>> this? In case an object isn't referenced by the application any
>>> more, it
>>> could simply disappear... Especially in an unmanaged environment. This
>>> extension would be really valuable for rich clients ("rias"). Actually
>>> this problem will have every rich client application. How hard would it
>>> be to provide a switch to be able to choose between hard and weak
>>> references?"
>>> Adam,
>>> Having changed objects disappear from the PersistenceContext
>>> based on weak references would be unpredictable. The application
>>> would have no way of knowing what changes would be written out and
>>> which ones would have been thrown away because of garbage
>>> collection. In your case perhaps the application is structured in
>>> such a way that only objects referenced by the application have the
>>> potential to be changed but in many applications that is not the case.
>> The approach with weak L1 cache should actually work for every
>> application managed entity manager, which is not shared between
>> threads and transactions.
>> This is the case in most RCP (Netbeans, Eclipse) applications, where
>> the Entity Manager is executed inside the same JVM as the
>> presentation tier.
>>> Particularly in service based applications the changes could be
>>> applied through the merge() api without a reference ever existing
>>> from the application to the managed entity.
>> Absolutely. In service based applications you are right. Merge would
>> be the option then. However in real service based application I would
>> even use DTOs :-). However we are working with a rich domain model
>>> Having a GUI use the merge() api to have only the changed
>>> objects registered within the PersistenceContext and processed for
>>> changes is a much more effecient and scalable architecture.
>> Yes. In our case it would be a huge disadvantage. Until now we can
>> rely on the transparent persistence - which is great. Be forced to
>> detach the objects and invoke "merge" isn't a elegant solution.
>>> The complexity of the object model should not hamper the use of the
>>> merge() api as the GUI's update events could merge the root of the
>>> tree of Entities being changed and TopLink, with correct cascade
>>> merge settings, would handle the rest.
>> We have many UIs, Use Cases, reports etc. So there are many root
>> objects in place. This makes your suggested approach more difficult...
>> regards -
>> adam
>>> --Gordon
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Adam Bien []
>>> Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 5:08 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Configuration of Client vs. Shared Cache
>>> Hello Gordon,
>>> thank you for the fast answer.
>>> Gordon Yorke schrieb:
>>>> Hello Adam,
>>>> An application managed EntityManager always wraps an Extended
>>>> Persistence Context. An Extended Persistence Context is not
>>>> released until the EntityManager is closed unlike a transactional
>>>> Container Managed Entity Manager which releases the Persistence
>>>> Context at the end of each transaction.
>>>> If you need you can simulate the transactional EntityManager by
>>>> calling flush(), clear() before each commit() but this would still
>>>> leave you with the detached issue.
>>> This is our issue. Detached entities are a real problem in more complex
>>> applications...
>>>> The problem with holding the objects in a weak reference is the
>>>> change detection requirement of the PersistenceContext. Any object
>>>> touched by the PersistenceContext must be tracked by the
>>>> PersistenceContext and any changes to that object must be written
>>>> to the database on request, even if the object is no longer
>>>> referenced by the application. With weak references unwritten
>>>> changes could potentially be lost.
>>> "even if the object is no longer referenced by the application" -> why
>>> this? In case an object isn't referenced by the application any
>>> more, it
>>> could simply disappear... Especially in an unmanaged environment. This
>>> extension would be really valuable for rich clients ("rias"). Actually
>>> this problem will have every rich client application. How hard would it
>>> be to provide a switch to be able to choose between hard and weak
>>> references?
>>>> There a multiple ways you could manage the volume of object
>>>> registered within a Persistence Context. On screen changes you
>>>> could close and create a new EntityManager but my recomended
>>>> approach would be to detach the display objects from the managed
>>>> objects. No need to create seperate classes but you could use the
>>>> merge facility of the EntityManager to merge the objects from the
>>>> GUI to the PersistenceContext for any object updates or specific
>>>> save events from the GUI.
>>> The problem here: the object graph is really complicated with recursive
>>> algorithms (about 700 entities...). Therefore we would rely on
>>> "transparent persistence". Actually it works great with TopLink on
>>> Smalltalk :-). We have only the issue in Java... However TopLink is the
>>> only OR-framework, which can handle this complexity. The only issue are
>>> the "hard" references.
>>>> This would limit the number of objects in your PersistenceContext
>>>> and mostlikly provide for a performance improvement from your
>>>> current design as less objects are being checked for changes. I
>>>> would also recommend that if you took this approach that you switch
>>>> the shared cache to be a softcache weak identity map.
>>> We switched the shared cache already. The L1-cache is our problem...
>>> thank you for the detailed answer,
>>> adam
>>>> --Gordon
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Adam Bien []
>>>> Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 11:46 AM
>>>> To:
>>>> Cc:
>>>> Subject: Re: Configuration of Client vs. Shared Cache
>>>> Hi Gordon,
>>>> thank you very much for the fast reply. I'm thinking of the
>>>> Persistence
>>>> Context as an Identity HashMap, which primary goal is to keep the
>>>> consistency of the entities in a transaction.
>>>> However in our application (it is a rich client, which connects
>>>> directly
>>>> to the database without an application server or middleware), it seems
>>>> like once loaded objects are hold
>>>> by the EntityManager until the method clear is invoked or the Entity
>>>> Manager is closed (we are using the current build - TopLink
>>>> v2b58). The
>>>> Entity Manager remains open between the transactions - it is even not
>>>> cleared. We would like to work with the entities, without loading them
>>>> from the database every time.
>>>> We are using data binding between the domain objects and the UI - so
>>>> clearing the entity manager makes the entities detached (and makes the
>>>> GC run) - the whole app has to be refreshed then. This in turn is not
>>>> wished by the end users :-).
>>>> I'm wondering, whether it would be possible to hold the objects using
>>>> weak-reference in the L1 cache / transactional cache. Then all
>>>> unneeded
>>>> objects would be automatically garbage collected. The object-identity
>>>> would be still provided with this setting... Now the memory
>>>> consumption
>>>> increases - until Out Of Memory occurs...
>>>> any thoughts?
>>>> thank you in advance,
>>>> regards,
>>>> adam
>>>> Gordon Yorke schrieb:
>>>>> Hello Adam,
>>>>> You may be confusing the Persistence Context with a cache?
>>>>> Sometimes the UnitOfWork which is the implementation of the
>>>>> Persistence Context in TopLink is described as a cache to explain
>>>>> some
>>>>> of its behaviours but its behaviour is beyond that of a cache.
>>>>> Because the Unit0fWork must track all objects that were ever read
>>>>> through or registered by the UnitOfWork to full its behavioural
>>>>> requirements the TopLink cache settings do not apply.
>>>>> --Gordon
>>>>> Adam Bien wrote:
>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>> TopLink cache consists of two parts:
>>>>>> 1. Client/L1
>>>>>> 2. Shared/L2
>>>>>> Is it possible to configure them independently? In the TopLink
>>>>>> reference there are two sections:
>>>>>> It seems like the @Cache annotation addresses the Client/L1 cache.
>>>>>> The properties (
>>>>>> eg. <property name="toplink.cache.type.Order" value="Full"/>) the
>>>>>> L2.
>>>>>> Is it possible to configure both caches using the persistence.xml
>>>>>> properties?
>>>>>> I would like to configure Weak Caches for both levels, however it
>>>>>> seems like the L1 cache is still "Full" (or it uses "hard"
>>>>>> references
>>>>>> to entities)
>>>>>> thank you in advance!,
>>>>>> adam bien
>>>> --
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>>> --
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 Consultant, Author, Java Champion
 Mobile: 0049(0)170 280 3144
 Books: Enterprise Architekturen (ISBN: 393504299X),
        Java EE 5 Architekturen  (ISBN: 3939084247),
        J2EE Patterns, J2EE Hotspots, Enterprise Frameworks and Struts