today I tried to deploy the Java EE example (ex1-ee.ear) from the Java
Persistence Example page:
I'm using the current trunk glassfish-image as installed by 'maven
bootstrap configure-runtime' called from the bootstrap directory.
Deploying the ear ex1-ee.ear fails saying a session is redeployed w/o
closing it. Here is the detailed message:
% asadmin.bat deploy --retrieve . ../ex1-ee.ear
CLI171 Command deploy failed : Deploying application in domain failed;
Exception [TOPLINK-28009] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2006.4 (Build
060420)): oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.EntityManagerSetupException
Exception Description: Attempted to redeploy a session named
without closing it.
Sahoo suggested I should try to deploy with java2db disabled. I removed
the property toplink.ddl-generation from the persistence.xml. Then the
exception disappears and the ear deploys. I can also deploy the original
ear (with java2db enabled) using the latest promoted build from the FCS
branch (b45).
Any idea?
Regards Michael