Re: SQLAnywherePlatform naming

From: Marina Vatkina <Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2007 10:00:15 -0800

Hi Tom,

Just a word of caution - I remember that we had cases (using windows?) when
case-sensitive rename in cvs caused problems with the future checkouts and
required cvs admin intervention.


Tom Ware wrote:
> Hi All,
> Markus Karg has been nice enough to provide a new implementation of a
> TopLink Essentials DatabasePlatform for SQLAnywhere that I intend to
> check-in soon.
> I have a minor dilema.
> For some historical reasons, the current platform is called
> SQLAnyWherePlatform (with an upper case 'W'). Ideally the platform
> would be called SQLAnywherePlatform (with a lower case 'w' ). If we
> were going to make a change this would seem to be the ideal time. The
> issue with simply making the change is that currently we do not
> auto-detect SQLAnywhere and therefore anyone using the old platform
> would have to explicitly specify it - meaning a change breaks backward
> compatibility for them. In general, I believe it is quite important to
> maintain backward compatibility.
> My initial plan was to deprecate the old SQLAnyWherePlatform and create
> a new SQLAnywherePlatform in the same package. Unfortunately, that
> would cause problems for anyone developing on Windows since Windows is
> not case sensitive and as a result the source files would be the same as
> far as Windows is concerned.
> The following seem to be the options
> 1. Rename SQLAnyWherePlatform to SQLAnywherePlatform and somehow inform
> the user base
> - this is the cleanest solution if you forget about current users
> - breaks backward compatibility
> 2. Deprecate SQLAnyWherePlatform and create a new SQLAnywherePlatform in
> a new ianywhere subpackage
> - backward compatibility is maintained
> - does not follow the current pattern of package usage for
> DatabasePlatforms.
> 3. Keep the name as SQLAnyWherePlatform and update the contents
> - backward compatibility is maintained
> - platform name is not completely accurate
> Does anyone have either an opinion about the best option, or another
> suggestion?
> Thanks in advance,
> Tom