Re: Proposed fix for issue 256

From: Marina Vatkina <Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 15:58:08 -0800

Tom, Gordon,

Did you look into this?


Marina Vatkina wrote On 03/14/06 17:31,:
> Tom,
> The current code throws an exception if persistence.xml
> contains a JTA PU even if it's not used by the app. The
> exception is completely misleading, as it complains that
> jta datasource is not provided, while it's TopLink code
> that ignores the value.
> There are 2 options to fix this:
> a) ignore JTA transaction type in Java SE. This can be either
> accomplished by checking the actual class type of PUInfo instance,
> or using any other available setting, if there is one;
> b) Change PUInfo processing to accept the JTA (and non-JTA for
> simplicity) datasource from PersistenceContentHandler.
> I suggest option b). If you agree I can fix it.
> thanks,
> -marina