Re: entity-persistence update

From: Tom Ware <>
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2006 16:26:14 -0400


Sorry for the omission. I have updated the bug.


Michael Bouschen wrote:

>Hi Tom,
>the checkin includes the fix for issue 1166, correct?
>Regards Michael
>>The fixes are checked in.
>>Tom Ware wrote:
>>>I will check the following in:
>>>- ailitche_ri_gf_1313_061017 Fixed gf 1313: GeneratedValue strategy
>>>GenerationType.AUTO throws NullPointerException with PostgreSQL
>>>- tware_10essentials_gf801_weaving_properties_061013 gf801 -
>>>Changing underlying values of weaved attributes that use property access
>>>- cdelahun_ri_gf934_061005 gf934 - fix prevents a situation that
>>>could cause essentials to attempt to rollback a transaction twice
>>>- issue1153_fix.diff - Fix by Wonsoek Kim for GF 1153
>>>- Fix to issue with test cases not running on a clean database. The
>>>fix updates on XML file that was causing a table to be created that
>>>used the reserved word NUMBER.
>>>The attached jar file has diff files corresponding to the listed
>>>transaction names.