Notice: This change makes the version in persitence XML manditory and
all persistence XML files must now include it. For an example, see
Tom Ware wrote:
>Issue number: entity-persistence update
>Obtained from: TopLink
>Submitted by: Tom Ware
>Reviewed by: TopLink Team
>Tested with full glassfish build, quicklook tests, persistence dev
>tests, entity-persistence tests, and internal oracle tests
>-fix for Oracle Bug 5095353
>-Fixes GlassFish issue 402: moved query-hint static values from
>XMLConstants to EJBQuery. Updated EJBQueryImpl and
>EntityMappingsXMLProcessor to reference these statics.
>-Support for resolving the target-entity for Collections w/generics when
>not defined in XML. This results in a JDK 1.5 dependancy in the XML
>processor that may need to be resolved at some point.
>- Transaction includes a correction to EJBQueryImpl since for some
>reason ADE decided that my transaction should overwrite previous changes
>to this file. And I removed a couple callback methods from the default
>listener since our PU includes 90+ entities, and the default listener
>had every callback defined, and that on every entity is a lot of
>unnecessary notifications.
>- Transaction includes fixes for CTS testing, default listeners
>- Enabled validation of persistence.xml
>- Fixes issue where only one list of entity class names exists for all
>peristence units. now each P.U. has it's own collection. Also, modified
>the "orm_1_0.xsd" static path to "xsd/orm_1_0.xsd", which matches the
>path in essentials.jar - used for validation. (note ORM XSD file has
>been renamed to filename suggested by specification comittee)
>- fix for Oracle bug 5093034
>- Test model for incomplete relationship in XML - here, the non-owning
>side of the relationship is defined in XML, but the target entity is not.
>- Test model for incomplete relationship in XML - here, the owning-side
>of the relationship is defined in XML, but the target entity is not.
Tom Ware
Principal Software Engineer
Oracle Canada Inc.
Direct: (613) 783-4598