Hi Sugandha,
I would suggest relocating your questions to a mailing list that is likely to
have more TopLink experts on it. There is some information about those kinds of
lists at the web page for the project where the main TopLink functionality is
now developed:
I assume you have inherited a TopLink application that you did you build.
TopLink 4.0 is a fairly old version, but most of the documentation from the
more recent version still applies. Here is a pointer to the documentation site:
I'd recommend taking a look at some of the getting started documentation as a
To answer your questions, the most common usage pattern for TopLink when 4.0
was released was to use the TopLink Mapping workbench to map objects and
generate XML for the descriptors. That XML was then used as part of the
deployed application.
In general, generating this descriptor metadata occurs before runtime, but
there are some hooks that allow the descriptors to be modified at runtime.
I suggest looking for your mapping workbench project file (<filename>.wmp, I
think) and opening it in the Mapping Workbench as a first step. Try go get an
understanding of how your project is mapped.
sugandha agarwal wrote:
> I have an application which uses toplink 4.0 to connect to Oracle DB.
> My requirement it to fetch few columns in View from existing table.
> We use weblogic (jsp pages) as front end and corba as back end.
> 1. We see some descriptors xml files. How are they generated? If
> they are already generated, Can we modify them to add new colums.
> 2. Where are these descriptor XML present? E.g. jar, properties file
> etc.Basically how can I deploy the modified top link code to unix box.
> 3. Is the descriptor xmls geenrated at run time.If yes , can we
> modify them to be read at run time.
> Plz help me to understand the answers to these questions.
> rgds,
> Sugandha