Entity listener information can be supplied in O/R mapping XML file like
orm.xml. You can have a provision for a mapping file in your
persistence.xml file by adding a <mapping-file> entry in
persistence.xml of base-project.jar. You can populate the content of
that mapping file as per your need and install it in classpath. If you
don't want any listeners, just install a valid, empty mapping file.
Again, take a look at the spec for more details about mapping file.
Farrukh Najmi wrote:
> Thanks for clearing that up. IMHO, the spec is unclear on this point
> and this should be improved in next version.
> So my underlying need is to be able to:
> * Have one jar (base-project.jar) contain a pesristence.xml file and
> persistence entity classes
> * Have a standalone program use base-project.jar and somehow add
> listeners to the persistence unit, presumably using configuration
> files in the classpath of standalone program
> How can I meet above need in the simplest manner?
> Thanks for your help.
> Sahoo wrote:
>> No, only one persistence.xml file per PU. The PU can comprise of
>> classes and other configuration files (e.g. orm.xml) spread across
>> several jars. I hope you are not confusing orm.xml with persistence.xml.
>> The spec supports persistence.xml in a directory in classpath.
>> Sahoo
>> Farrukh Najmi wrote:
>>> The spec says:
>>> "A persistence unit may be packaged within *one or more* jar files
>>> contained within a WAR or EAR, as a
>>> set of classes within an EJB-JAR file or in the WAR classes
>>> directory, or as a combination of these as
>>> defined below."
>>> Notice the "one or more" above. It leads me to believe that a
>>> persistence unit may be defined in more than one persistence.xml files.
>>> My question is whether the spec supports having one of these
>>> persistence.xml files in a directory in the classpath (and not in a
>>> jar, war, ear etc.).
>>> Thanks for your help.
>>> Sahoo wrote:
>>>> There is one persistence.xml per persistence-unit.
>>>> META-INF/persistence.xml can be anywhere in the classpath as long
>>>> as it contains the list of persistence class names. Look at chapter
>>>> #6.2 of the JPA 1.0 spec.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Sahoo
>>>> Farrukh Najmi wrote:
>>>>> I have a base project (base-project) that produces a jar with
>>>>> persistence classes and a META-INF/persistence.xml file.
>>>>> Next, I want to use a standalone test program that depends upon
>>>>> the base-project.jar for persistence classes and wish to add
>>>>> additional persistence.xml files (to add entity listeners and
>>>>> perhaps additional persistence classes etc.).
>>>>> Does the spec require that any additional persistence.xml files be
>>>>> in a jar/war etc. or can it be anywhere in the classpath including
>>>>> under a directory in classpath?
>>>>> Specifically, is it legal to place it in META-INF/persistence.xml
>>>>> in any directory on the classpath and expect it to be processed by
>>>>> the Persistence provider?
>>>>> TIA for your help.