Sahoo wrote:
> Entity listener information can be supplied in O/R mapping XML file
> like orm.xml. You can have a provision for a mapping file in your
> persistence.xml file by adding a <mapping-file> entry in
> persistence.xml of base-project.jar. You can populate the content of
> that mapping file as per your need and install it in classpath. If you
> don't want any listeners, just install a valid, empty mapping file.
> Again, take a look at the spec for more details about mapping file.
I need one more clarification on this...
The spec says:
Example 2:
<persistence-unit name="OrderManagement2">
A persistence unit named OrderManagement2 is created. Any annotated
managed persistence
classes found in the root of the persistence unit are added to the list
of managed persistence classes. The
mappings.xml resource exists on the classpath and any classes and
mapping information contained
in it are used as specified above. *If a META-INF/orm.xml file exists*,
any classes and mapping infor-
mation contained in it are used as well. The transaction type, data
source, and provider are as described
Above implies that I do not need to explicitly reference the orm.xml
file using mapping-file if it is in the right place. Am I correct in my
If so, where does the META-INF/orm.xml file have to exist?
Can if be in any jar or classpath directory (not reference via
<jar-file> tag in persistence.xml)?
Thanks again for your kind help.