Re: non-jta-data-source doesn't work with Tomcat 5.5?

From: Jon Miller <>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2007 13:58:11 -0600

Thanks Tom. I've been meaning to thank all of the people on this list that
have taken the time to answer my questions. The answers have been very much
appreciated. Also, I want to say thanks for creating such a great product.
Object relational mapping is pretty revolutionary IMHO. It's great that it's
part of the core Java platform. I think great now and it'll only get better.
Good job guys.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Ware" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2007 1:47 PM
Subject: Re: non-jta-data-source doesn't work with Tomcat 5.5?

> Hi Jon,
> We're hoping to that some changes we make for this bug will solve your
> JNDI issues.
> -Tom
> Jon Miller wrote:
>>Thanks Tom. Yes, that property will come in handy. That's pretty much
>>exactly what I need. Currently, there seems to be something that doesn't
>>work with the JNDI naming itself though (when used with Tomcat (unless I'm
>>doing something wrong)).
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Tom Ware" <>
>>To: <>
>>Sent: Monday, February 26, 2007 9:23 AM
>>Subject: Re: non-jta-data-source doesn't work with Tomcat 5.5?
>>>Hi Jon,
>>> There is some work on the way that may help you with two of your issues:
>>>* *Hopefully this will solve your issue of using a data source in Java
>>> In addition, allowing the datasources information to be specified as
>>> properties should allow you to determine when you create your JavaSE
>>> EntityManagerFactory which datasource you want to connect to.
>>>Jon Miller wrote:
>>>>No one knows the answer to this? I'm not looking forward to having to
>>>>restart my app everytime the database goes down, so, I'm hoping to get
>>>>GP working with Tomcat's connection pool which I've used with Hibernate
>>>>in the past without problem. While it may be the case that Tomcat's JNDI
>>>>implementation isn't what it should be, I believe it's important that GP
>>>>work with it because a lot of users will probably try to use it that
>>>>way. I wasn't able to get it to work using the latest build of GP. This
>>>>IMHO isn't something you shouldn't have to use a customizer to get
>>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>>From: "Jon Miller" <>
>>>>To: "Glassfish Persistence List" <>
>>>>Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2007 4:53 PM
>>>>Subject: non-jta-data-source doesn't work with Tomcat 5.5?
>>>>>Hi all,
>>>>>I'm using GP V2 B36 with Java 1.5.0_09 and Tomcat 5.5.17. I've been
>>>>>having problems with Glassfish Persistences built-in connection pool
>>>>>not handling broken connections correctly. Specifically, it seems to
>>>>>have problems dealing with the fact that MySQL times out connections
>>>>>after 8 hours. So, I decided to try to use the non-jta-data-source
>>>>>setting instead and use Tomcat's connection pool. However, I can't seem
>>>>>to get it to work. I found the following article which indicates it
>>>>>doesn't work unless you use a customizer. Can anyone confirm whether
>>>>>this is the case?