Re: [Fwd: [Issue 119] New - DDL generation code executed on running sessions in Java SE]

From: Pramod Gopinath <Pramod.Gopinath_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 09 Jan 2006 18:00:30 -0800

Hi Tom
   Thanks for Ur comments.
I have attached the diff file as well as the modified for Ur review.


Tom Ware wrote:
> Hi Pramod,
> I must admit I am not an expert on the expectations for your beta
> software, but I'll give you my opinion of the severity of this bug and
> I you can decide if it fits the criteria for inclusion in the beta.
> - createEntityManagerFactory() is API that will likely not be called
> particularly often with the setting that causes tables to be created
> and that setting will be limited to people who are just getting
> started. - it will, however, cause issues that are potentially
> difficult to diagnose since tables that may contain data will be
> potentially recreated.
> - it is quite easy to workaround since disabling table creating makes
> the issue go away.
> - users on production systems will never have this issue since they
> will already have tables
> -Tom
> Pramod Gopinath wrote:
>> Hi Tom
>> Thanks for filing this bug. The last time when the code for
>> autodetection of the database driver was checked in, we missed
>> checking in the code (that you had suggested) to detect if the
>> session is logging in for the first time (i.e. session.isConnected()).
>> I have a question for you on this issue : Do you think that we should
>> we backport this change to the beta code base too. Based on the
>> simple tests that I had run I do not think that users would run into
>> this issue. So I was thinking of making the code changes to the main
>> trunk only and not do it to the beta code base.
>> Wanted to know what is your opinion on this issue ?
>> Will send the code changes out today for you review.
>> Thanks
>> Pramod
>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>> Subject: [Issue 119] New - DDL generation code executed on running
>>> sessions in
>>> Java SE
>>> Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2005 15:22:02 í??
>>> From:
>>> Reply-To:
>>> To:
>>> Issue #|119
>>> Summary|DDL generation code executed on running
>>> sessions in Ja
>>> |va SE
>>> Component|glassfish
>>> Version|9.0pe
>>> Platform|All
>>> OS/Version|All
>>> URL|
>>> Status|NEW
>>> Status whiteboard|
>>> Keywords|
>>> Resolution|
>>> Issue type|DEFECT
>>> Priority|P3
>>> Subcomponent|entity-persistence
>>> Assigned to|mvatkina
>>> Reported by|tware
>>> ------- Additional comments from Wed Dec 21
>>> 15:22:02 +0000
>>> 2005 -------
>>> The following code appears to have an issue if
>>> createEntityManagerFactory is called twice for the same Persistence
>>> Unit
>>> public EntityManagerFactory createEntityManagerFactory(String
>>> emName, Map m){
>>> String name = emName;
>>> if (name == null){
>>> name = "";
>>> }
>>> ServerSession session = getServerSession(name, m);
>>> if (session != null){
>>> EntityManagerFactory emf = new
>>> EntityManagerFactoryImpl(session);
>>> login(session, getPersistenceUnitProperties(name, m));
>>> generateDDLFiles(session,
>>> getPersistenceUnitProperties(name, m), true);
>>> return emf;
>>> }
>>> return null;
>>> }
>>> If the session is already logged in when this code is called, it
>>> means the tables should already be created. This means that the
>>> call to generateDDLFiles will overwrite already existing tables.
>>> We should change this code to only create tables at the time of 1st
>>> login

RCS file: /cvs/glassfish/entity-persistence/src/java/oracle/toplink/essentials/ejb/cmp3/,v
retrieving revision 1.12
diff -r1.12
< login(session, getPersistenceUnitProperties(name, m));
< generateDDLFiles(session, getPersistenceUnitProperties(name, m), true);
>             if (!session.isConnected()){
>                 login(session, getPersistenceUnitProperties(name, m));
>                 generateDDLFiles(session, getPersistenceUnitProperties(name, m), true);
>             }
<         if (!session.isConnected()) {
<             if (toplinkPlatform == null || toplinkPlatform.equals("")) {
<                 // if user has not specified a database platform, try to detect
<                 session.loginAndDetectDatasource();
<             } else {
<                 session.login();
<             }
>         if (toplinkPlatform == null || toplinkPlatform.equals("")) {
>             // if user has not specified a database platform, try to detect
>             session.loginAndDetectDatasource();
>         } else {
>             session.login();