I don't
recall if I'm receiving emails, I'm subscribed to
the digest alias so only get emails periodically
but I have not heard of any issues.
I added your email address above to the subscriber's list,
it was not added prior. once you subscribe you should
receive an email asking to confirm the subscription.
did you do that?
Let me know if you did not receive the confirmation
When I have more info I will send email to the collab
Marina Vatkina wrote:
> Carla,
> can you please help?
> thanks,
> -marina
> Wonseok Kim wrote:
>>Hi. Java Persistence guys...
>>I know this is not the proper place, but I can't receive
>>persistence_at_glassfish.dev.java.net mailing list.
>>I tried several times to subscribe, but after subscription is confirmed,
>>no messages are coming to my mail box.
>>Is this mailing list closed one to Sun members?
>>I'm working on our company EJB 3.0 container and container support for
>>Java Persistence.
>>Especially I've tried to use toplink essentials as persistence provider
>>for our container.
>>There are some issues so I would like to discuss them in this mailing list.
>>Could you help me?
>>WonseoK Kim
Carla Mott
Sun Microsystems