Re: non-jta-data-source doesn't work with Tomcat 5.5?

From: Jon Miller <>
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2007 16:27:49 -0600

No one knows the answer to this? I'm not looking forward to having to
restart my app everytime the database goes down, so, I'm hoping to get GP
working with Tomcat's connection pool which I've used with Hibernate in the
past without problem. While it may be the case that Tomcat's JNDI
implementation isn't what it should be, I believe it's important that GP
work with it because a lot of users will probably try to use it that way. I
wasn't able to get it to work using the latest build of GP. This IMHO isn't
something you shouldn't have to use a customizer to get working.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jon Miller" <>
To: "Glassfish Persistence List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2007 4:53 PM
Subject: non-jta-data-source doesn't work with Tomcat 5.5?

> Hi all,
> I'm using GP V2 B36 with Java 1.5.0_09 and Tomcat 5.5.17. I've been having
> problems with Glassfish Persistences built-in connection pool not handling
> broken connections correctly. Specifically, it seems to have problems
> dealing with the fact that MySQL times out connections after 8 hours. So,
> I decided to try to use the non-jta-data-source setting instead and use
> Tomcat's connection pool. However, I can't seem to get it to work. I found
> the following article which indicates it doesn't work unless you use a
> customizer. Can anyone confirm whether this is the case?
> Jon