The child record will only be removed from the database table if you
actually call em.remove(Entity).
You can not null the property "requete" because you have disallowed null
in your mappings.
Try something like this...
TRequete parent = em.find(TRequete.class, parentID);
TRequeteParam managedChild = em.find(TRequeteParam.class,childToRemoveId);
merge can also work in place of find but you must still call
em.remove(Entity) on the managed instance of the child.
Laurent Yhuel wrote:
> Hello,
> I try to delete some children (not all) of an entity.
> Cascade work in add, update, and if I remove parent.
> But if in parent, I've 3 children and I want to remove one of them, I
> don't known how can I do.
> I've tried to remove one child of Set and merge parent: Record is not
> deleted.
> I've tried to set null the property TRequete of one child: I've got
> exception : null is not allow.
> Thanks for your help.
> Laurent
> Object parent:
> @Entity
> @Table(name="t_requete"
> )
> public class TRequete implements {
> private Integer id;
> private String reqNom;
> private Set<TRequeteParam> listParam = new HashSet<TRequeteParam>(0);
> public TRequete() {
> }
> @SequenceGenerator(name="seq_TRequete",
> sequenceName="t_requete_id_requete_seq")@Id
> @GeneratedValue(strategy=SEQUENCE, generator="seq_TRequete")
> @Column(name="id_requete", unique=true, nullable=false)
> public Integer getId() {
> return;
> }
> public void setId(Integer id) {
> = id;
> }
> @Column(name="req_nom")
> public String getReqNom() {
> return this.reqNom;
> }
> public void setReqNom(String reqNom) {
> this.reqNom = reqNom;
> }
> @OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL, fetch=FetchType.LAZY,
> mappedBy="requete")
> public Set<TRequeteParam> getListParam() {
> return this.listParam;
> }
> public void setListParam(Set<TRequeteParam> listParam) {
> this.listParam = listParam;
> }
> }
> Child object:
> @Entity
> @Table(name="t_requete_param"
> )
> public class TRequeteParam implements {
> private Integer id;
> private TRequete requete;
> private String reqparNom;
> public TRequeteParam() {
> }
> @SequenceGenerator(name="seq_TRequeteParam",
> sequenceName="t_requete_param_id_requete_param_seq")@Id
> @GeneratedValue(strategy=SEQUENCE, generator="seq_TRequeteParam")
> @Column(name="id_requete_param", unique=true, nullable=false)
> public Integer getId() {
> return;
> }
> public void setId(Integer id) {
> = id;
> }
> @ManyToOne(fetch=FetchType.LAZY)
> @JoinColumn(name="fk_requete", nullable=false)
> public TRequete getRequete() {
> return this.requete;
> }
> public void setRequete(TRequete requete) {
> this.requete = requete;
> }
> @Column(name="reqpar_nom")
> public String getReqparNom() {
> return this.reqparNom;
> }
> public void setReqparNom(String reqparNom) {
> this.reqparNom = reqparNom;
> }
> }