The EntityManager interface has a contains method which, I believe, will allow you to check to see if an object is a managed entity within the persistence context represented by the EntityManager. I dont think it will tell you the difference between an entity existing prior and then being deleted versus never existing as a maintained entity at all. It only tells you if it's currently a managed entity.
If you distinctly need to know if the entity was deleted, you may be able to add a boolean to the entity that tracks if it has been delted or not... mark the property as transient, and implement a Pre/Post Remove callback that sets the property on deletion?
Hope that helps!
- Phillip
From: Markus KARG <>
Sent: Monday, December 8, 2008 2:33:04 PM
Subject: RE: Determining if entity has been removed
I see, you want something like the difference between HTTP's
result codes 404 NOT FOUND and 410 GONE... I understand.
Such an automated support is not possible since RDBMS do not
know wheter an instance had been there before and was deleted, or just have
never existed. JPA is just a layer ontop of an RDBMS, so it cannot know that
the instance was there before and was deleted or never existed at all (unless the
JPA implementation has permanently exclusive access to the entity's mapped
tables, what is most seldomly the case in the real world).
From the JPA view what you
want seems to be covered by chapter Merging Detached Entity State: "...If X is a removed entity instance, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown by the merge operation (or the
transaction commit will fail)....". But I doubt that it will work, because
of what I wrote before: How shall the JPA provider know whether the instance
was deleted by a third party (non-JPA-accessor of the same table)?
What you can do to workaround obviously is to distinguish
between CREATE and UPDATE methods in your server interface (in the CRUD sense):
If the user creates a new instance (CREATE) then do em.persist(), it will throw
an exception if the row already exists; if the user wants to edit an existing (or
meanwhile potentially deleted) instance (UPDATE) then do em.find() before
em.merge(), so you will get the wanted NotFoundException. I think that solves
exactly your needs and the interface is rather RESTful... :-)
Have Fun
From:Stephen Connolly
Sent: Montag, 8. Dezember 2008 20:02
Subject: Re: Determining if entity has been removed
Here's one use case off the top
of my head
I have a detached entity... and I'm wanting to merge it back... was it deleted
by somebody else while I was working on it (in which case I should throw and
error back to the user about somebody else changing the record)?
By default, currently, merge in such a case will add the entity back in!
2008/12/8 Markus KARG <>
AFAIK JPA does not contain a means of detection wheter an
entity has been
removed, but only whether an instance of an entity is present or not. Also I
do not see a sense in such a detection. What shall it be good for?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Farrukh Najmi []
> Sent: Sonntag, 7. Dezember 2008 23:14
> To:
> Subject: Determining if entity has been removed
> Dear colleagues,
> How can I determine whether an entity has been removed within the
> EntityManager?
> More generally is there any way in the JPA API to determine status of
> an
> entity within
> the EntityManager? It does not appear to be possible. If not possible,
> is this something useful to
> consider for future version of API?
> Thanks.
> --
> Regards,
> Farrukh Najmi
> Web: