You do not need javaee.jar - all javax.persistence classes and xml schemas
are packaged together into toplink-essentials.jar. The same is true if
you access this jar from a GlassFish installation.
Onur Tokan wrote:
> Hi,
> Glassfish JPA is avaible for separate download from
> https://glassfish.dev.java.net/downloads/persistence/JavaPersistence.html
> I wonder Is there any tutorial for using glassfish jpa with Spring
> 2.0. BEA has a tutorial but It's for KODO and WebSphere.
> Thanks in advance,
> Regards,
> Onur
> On 4/17/06, Gordon Yorke <gordon.yorke_at_oracle.com> wrote:
>> Currently only the javaee.jar file is available from glassfish. There are plans, however, to generate a separate bundle specifically for the persistence module which will contain the required java.persistence classes. I expect there to be an announcement on the Glassfish project pages when this is completed.
>> The toplink-essentials-agent.jar is used to provide transparent lazy 1-1, m-1 support at runtime. Without using the javaagent option all 1-1 and m-1 will be eagerly loaded.
>> Given the restrictions on the usage of the EMF defined in the specification (an application server is only allowed to create a single EMF for any PU, EMF.close closes allocated EMs) an application server would be required to maintain a reference to the EMF and use it on subsequent calls.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Marcel Overdijk [mailto:marceloverdijk_at_hotmail.com]
>>Sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 6:52 AM
>>To: persistence_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
>>Subject: Some question regarding JPA
>>I'm adding JPA support to a framework and have some questions.
>>Currently I'm using the Toplink Essentials and javaee.jar from GlassFish M6.
>>1. The javaee.jar contains more then only the persistence related classes
>>and therefor is 1mb big. Is there a official Sun jar downloadable containing
>>only persistence classes. In Spring 2.0 distribution a persistence.jar
>>(58kb) is included. I can use this but I don't know the origin of it.
>>2. In the persistence example on the GlassFish page the
>>toplinks-essentials-agent.jar is used in combination with -javaagent (SE
>>example). What does the toplink-essentials-agent do? If I just put
>>toplink-essentials and javaee.jar on the classpath everything seems to work
>>fine. Is there any drawback?
>>3. When I want to get an EntityManager based on an persistence unit Name I
>>don't know at compile time. The only option (I believe) is to create an emf
>>String pu = "some dynamic pu name";
>>However to create a emf each time is expensive. I could keep a reference to
>>a pu once created.
>>But what I'm wondering is how JEE 5 containers handle this. Do they create
>>subsequent emf's or are they smart that they know it was already created in
>>a previous call?
>>Hope you can hekp me on this.
>>Marcel Overdijk