Re: packaging withour .par

From: Shelly (Donna) McGowan <"Shelly>
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2005 08:26:25 -0400


Sure. I can do this today.

Just to confirm,

- no longer need to specify provider (in-container)
- application.xml is no longer required
- jta-datasource and non-jta-datasource do not co-exist
- name element is required


Sanjeeb Kumar Sahoo wrote On 10/24/05 04:18,:
> Hi Shelly,
> glassfish now supports packaging of JSR 220 entity beans in jar/war
> files. Would you mind upgrading CTS tests to use the new packaging
> format? At this point, I would suggest making just the necessary
> changes, i.e. update the persistence.xml to new schema and change file
> extension from par to jar. Let's not bundle the driver in a war file to
> start with, let them be in an ejb-jar. Is it possible to test these
> changes first? Once this works, we will change TopLink Essentials to use
> the new SPIs. We are not changing TopLink Essentials at this point
> because we want to do these changes in steps.
> Thanks,
> Sahoo