RE: How to display Toplink's generated query?

From: gcsaba2 <>
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 03:29:33 -0700 (PDT)

In persistence.xml, there was a line that was commented, and I uncommented
it, but it didn't change anything:

<persistence-unit name="ipost">

So I'm thinking there could be two possibilities why this doesn't have any
1. Somewhere in OC4J logging for TopLink was set to INFO and it can't be
2. The persistence.xml is not used at all (even though it's in META-INF)

I know that TopLink works, because if I violate a foreign key, TopLink
writes out the generated SQL to show where the error is. So I think only the
logging level is not set property.

Maybe I'm using some old TopLink version that requires a properties file,
and not xml?

I have OC4J 10.1.3...
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