Re: printing composite/foreign keys in the client

From: Marina Vatkina <Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2007 10:14:46 -0700


I do not see getDeptID() method on Iteamdetailsent. Do you map the FK twice,
once as a relationship and another time as a field?

Also, CollOrdline does not define an @IdClass - is it a typo?


Eve Pokua wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I wonder if somebody could provide me with some help.
> First of all I have two entities relating to each other:
> public class Iteamdetailsent implements Serializable{
> ....................
> @ManyToOne()
> @JoinColumn(name="DeptID")
> private Departmentent departmentent;
> }
> relating to:
> public class Departmentent implements{
> ...
> @OneToMany(mappedBy="departmentent")
> private Collection <Iteamdetailsent> iteamdetailsent;
> ...
> }
> In the client when I print details as follows:
> for(Iteamdetailhlp itemlist: iteamdetailhlp){
> out.println("<TR>");
> out.println("<td>");out.println(itemlist.getitmid());out.println("</td>");
> out.println("<td>");out.println(itemlist.getitmname());out.println("</td>");
> out.println("<td>");out.println(itemlist.getdescription());out.println("</td>");
> out.println("<td>");out.println(itemlist.getitemsize());out.println("</td>");
> out.println("<td>");out.println(itemlist.getcolour());out.println("</td>");
> out.println("<td>");out.println(itemlist.getprice());out.println("</td>");
> out.println("<td>");out.println( itemlist.getDeptID());out.println("</td>");
> ...........}
> The Iteamdetailhlp is a helper class
> But this last column gives me a null:
> out.println("<td>");out.println(itemlist.getprice());out.println("</td>");
> out.println("<td>");out.println( itemlist.getDeptID());out.println("</td>");
> Itemcode Name Description Size Colour Price
> 4547887 iris table 17in red 1.20 null
> 5456865 protey asdf 52in sdf 5.00 null
> 5468679 opara table 16in pink 12.00 null
> 5475686 asdf asdf 12inch white 1.02 null
> Why is this?
> In the log file I get this:
> [#|2007-08-13T15:50:10.603+0100|INFO|sun-appserver-pe9.0||_ThreadID=15;_ThreadName=httpWorkerThread-8080-1;|All
> Items:|#]
> Secondly, i have 3 entities relating to each other. To resolve many to
> many relationship and from my understanding of DB, I created and entity
> for composition, containing all the primary keys of all three entities
> as follows:
> public class Iteamdetailsent implements Serializable{
> @Id
> @Column(name="ITMID", nullable=false)
> private String itmid;
> ................
> }
> public class Customerent implements Serializable {
> @Id
> @Column(name="CUSID", nullable=false)
> private String cusid;
> ..................
> }
> public class CollOrdersrement implements{
> @Id
> @Column(name="CollORDID", nullable=false)
> private String collOrdID;
> ............
> }
> with the composite keys defined in the following class:
> public class CollOrdline implements{
> private String itmid;
> private String cusid;
> private String collOrdID;
> public CollOrdline(){}
> @Id
> public String getitmid(){
> return itmid;}
> public void setitmid(String itmid){
> this.itmid=itmid;}
> @Id
> //_at_Column(name = "CollORDID", nullable = false, insertable = false,
> updatable = false)
> public String getcollOrdID(){
> return collOrdID;}
> public void setcollOrdID(String collOrdID){
> this.collOrdID=collOrdID;}
> @Id
> public String getcusid()
> {return cusid;}
> public void setcusid(String cusid){
> this.cusid=cusid;
> }
> Now when I try to retrieve data from CollOrdline as below:
> try{
> InitialContext ctx=new InitialContext();
> //call the interface
> collOrdlinerem=(CollOrdlinerem)ctx.lookup("CollOrdersrementJNDI");
> String sbc="1";
> String rest;
> collOrdline=collOrdlinerem.Collpoinordid(sbc);
> rest=collOrdline.getcollOrdID();
> System.out.print(rest);
> }catch(Exception ex){
> System.err.println("Can not
> show the collection point order");
> }
> I get a null with the following message in my log file:
> [#|2007-08-13T16:18:36.993+0100|INFO|sun-appserver-pe9.0||_ThreadID=15;_ThreadName=httpWorkerThread-8080-1;|
> null|#]
> I believe, this has something to do with the way I have specified the
> relationships. How do I resolve this issue?
> Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks
> eve
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