Hello Adam,
You may be confusing the Persistence Context with a cache?
Sometimes the UnitOfWork which is the implementation of the Persistence
Context in TopLink is described as a cache to explain some of its
behaviours but its behaviour is beyond that of a cache. Because the
Unit0fWork must track all objects that were ever read through or
registered by the UnitOfWork to full its behavioural requirements the
TopLink cache settings do not apply.
Adam Bien wrote:
> Hi All,
> TopLink cache consists of two parts:
> 1. Client/L1
> 2. Shared/L2
> Is it possible to configure them independently? In the TopLink
> reference there are two sections:
> http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/ias/toplink/jpa/resources/toplink-jpa-extensions.html#BABGDJBC
> It seems like the @Cache annotation addresses the Client/L1 cache. The
> properties (
> eg. <property name="toplink.cache.type.Order" value="Full"/>) the L2.
> Is it possible to configure both caches using the persistence.xml
> properties?
> I would like to configure Weak Caches for both levels, however it
> seems like the L1 cache is still "Full" (or it uses "hard" references
> to entities)
> thank you in advance!,
> adam bien