- "Dual dispatch"
- "Dual dispatch")
- 0.7 API and spec
- 0.9 Snapshot
- 1.1 changelog now published on jcp.org
- 1.1 Maintenance Release Submitted
- [Fwd: Jersey 0.2 is released]
- [Fwd: Param validation]
- [Resteasy-developers] _at_QueryParam and POST)
- _at_*Param and List<?>
- _at_Cookie
- _at_FormParam if path is not matched to it's end [was: JSR311: why Request.getFormParameters() in JAX-RS?]
- _at_Representation
- _at_RunAs cannot be implemented standalone
- _at_Singleton
- _at_Target of FIELD for _at_*Param annotations
- _at_Views annotation
- A reason I don't like dynamic locators
- Aggregation(?) of "Targets for _at_*Param, _at_DefaultValue, _at_Encoded"
- Allocate Exception
- Alternate API proposition
- Amazon S3 Rest API
- Announcing Jersey, the RI of 311.
- API feedback
- API uses Sun classes
- Application/ApplicationConfig as interface
- Asynchronous REST service
- bean validation/JSR303 and EE6
- Bootstrapping a JAX-RS application
- Breadcrumbs
- Bug in resource method matching algorithm
- Can ContextResolver be injected?
- Charset defaults
- Client API
- Comments on JAX-RS 1.0 Early Draft Review
- Consume/Produce and Input/Output
- Container Independence
- Container resources
- Content Negotation vs. Extensions
- Content Negotiation
- Content Negotiation)
- Context Management
- ContextResolver confusion
- ContextResolver removal
- Cookie version?
- default EJBExceptionMapper in spec...
- Deferring Issues 10, 12, 19
- Design issues list
- Determining the media type of responses
- don't understand ResponseBuilder.variants()
- Draft JAX-RS 1.1 Available
- Draft minutes of 24 Apr telcon
- Draft of 1.1 Maintenance Release for review
- Draft of the JAX-RS 2.0 JSR
- dynamic deployment/class reloading
- dynamic sub-locators
- Early Draft Review
- EJB integration
- EJB or MDB as a Resource implementation
- EJB or MDB as a Resource implementation)
- EJB singletons
- EJBException handling spec error
- Empty path segments and path params
- entity provider
- entity providers: when to inject dependencies on per request?
- EntityProvider changes
- EntityProvider Syntax Clarifcation
- EntityProviders
- Error in JAX-RS method finding algorithm?
- Exception Handling
- Exception mapping for runtime generated exceptions
- exception mapping of wrapper exceptions
- ExceptionMapper<E extends Throwable>
- expanded regexp and subresource locators
- F2F at JavaOne
- Factoring out common behaviour across the HTTP verbs
- Feedback from W-JAX presentation
- Final Approval Ballot Underway
- Final Ballot Results
- Fixing ApplicationConfig
- Fixing binary backwards incompatibility in 1.1
- For Project Admins: Instructions for linking migrated Downloads files
- form-urlencoded question
- Fwd: CacheControl fluent API
- Fwd: Comments on JAX-RS 1.0 Early Draft Review
- Fwd: Java EE Schedule update
- Fwd: JSR 262 - Web Services Connector for JavaTM Management Extensions (JMXTM) Agents - EDR 2
- Fwd: JSR 311 Comments
- FYI - Early Draft 1 now posted
- FYI: WebBeans information
- General comments/questions/suggestions
- GenericEntity + extending Response
- GenericEntity can only support one parameter
- GenericEntity state should be settable
- Goal: POJO-based
- gzip encoding
- hashCode and equals mismatch for MediaType
- Header and Response Code constants
- HeaderProvider pecularities
- Headers & Filters
- How to create URIs?
- HttpHeaders.getAcceptableLanguages is pretty useless
- HttpHeaders.getAcceptedLanguages() ?
- Inheritance of Java classes
- Inherited Path
- Injection into Application class?
- invalid resource classes, resource methods or providers
- Issue 1 - Proposal for new conneg APIs
- Issue 18: XML Descriptor
- Issue 1: Adding additional conneg metadata to _at_Produce/ConsumeXXX
- Issue 39: Should NewCookie subclass Cookie
- Issue 43: javax.activation support
- Issue 44: Optional values for _at_*Param
- Issue 8 - Non-annotation model
- Issues 14, 15 refactoring _at_HttpMethod
- j2me / java 1.4.2 support
- Java mime type
- Javadocs not up to date
- JavaOne slides
- JavaOne?
- JAX-RS 0.81 ?
- JAX-RS 2.0
- JAX-RS 2.0 JSR approved
- JAX-RS 2.0 JSR submitted
- JAX-RS and EJB
- JAX-RS Client API
- JAX-RS Security?
- Jersey 0.3 released
- Jersey 0.4 released
- Jersey 0.5 released
- Jersey 0.6 released
- Jersey 0.7 released
- Jersey 0.8 released
- Jersey 0.9 released
- Jersey 1.0 released
- JSR 311 EG Telcon
- jsr-303 alignment
- jsr311 is now live
- JSR311: 0.5 downloads
- JSR311: 0.7 API and spec
- JSR311: 0.9 Snapshot
- JSR311: _at_*Param and List<?>
- JSR311: _at_Cookie
- JSR311: _at_FormParam if path is not matched to it's end [was: JSR311: why Request.getFormParameters() in JAX-RS?]
- JSR311: _at_RunAs cannot be implemented standalone
- JSR311: _at_Singleton
- JSR311: _at_Target of FIELD for _at_*Param annotations
- JSR311: Aggregation(?) of "Targets for @*Param, @DefaultValue, @Encoded"
- JSR311: Aggregation(?) of "Targets for _at_*Param, _at_DefaultValue, @Encoded"
- JSR311: Allocate Exception
- JSR311: API uses Sun classes
- JSR311: Application/ApplicationConfig as interface
- JSR311: Bootstrapping a JAX-RS application
- JSR311: Breadcrumbs
- JSR311: Bug in resource method matching algorithm [old contains little mistake]
- JSR311: Can ContextResolver be injected?
- JSR311: Charset defaults
- JSR311: Client API
- JSR311: Cookie version?
- JSR311: default EJBExceptionMapper in spec...
- JSR311: Deferring Issues 10, 12, 19
- JSR311: Determining the media type of responses
- JSR311: don't understand ResponseBuilder.variants()
- JSR311: Draft of 1.1 Maintenance Release for review
- JSR311: Draft of the JAX-RS 2.0 JSR
- JSR311: dynamic sub-locators
- JSR311: EJB integration
- JSR311: EJB singletons
- JSR311: EJBException handling spec error
- JSR311: Empty path segments and path params
- JSR311: entity provider
- JSR311: entity providers: when to inject dependencies on per request?
- JSR311: EntityProvider Syntax Clarifcation
- JSR311: EntityProviders
- JSR311: Exception Handling
- JSR311: Exception mapping for runtime generated exceptions
- JSR311: exception mapping of wrapper exceptions
- JSR311: ExceptionMapper<E extends Throwable>
- JSR311: expanded regexp and subresource locators
- JSR311: Factoring out common behaviour across the HTTP verbs
- JSR311: Feedback from W-JAX presentation
- JSR311: Feedback from W-JAX presentation)
- JSR311: Final Approval Ballot Underway
- JSR311: Final Ballot Results
- JSR311: form-urlencoded question
- JSR311: Fwd: JSR 311 Comments
- JSR311: GenericEntity + extending Response
- JSR311: GenericEntity can only support one parameter
- JSR311: GenericEntity state should be settable
- JSR311: gzip encoding
- JSR311: hashCode and equals mismatch for MediaType
- JSR311: Header and Response Code constants
- JSR311: HeaderProvider pecularities
- JSR311: HttpHeaders.getAcceptableLanguages is pretty useless
- JSR311: HttpHeaders.getAcceptedLanguages() ?
- JSR311: Injection into Application class?
- JSR311: invalid resource classes, resource methods or providers
- JSR311: Issue 1 - Proposal for new conneg APIs
- JSR311: Issue 18: XML Descriptor
- JSR311: Issue 39: Should NewCookie subclass Cookie
- JSR311: Issue 43: javax.activation support
- JSR311: Issue 44: Optional values for _at_*Param
- JSR311: Issue 8 - Non-annotation model
- JSR311: Java mime type
- JSR311: Javadocs not up to date
- JSR311: JavaOne?
- JSR311: JAX-RS 0.81 ?
- JSR311: JAX-RS 2.0
- JSR311: JAX-RS and EJB
- JSR311: JAX-RS Client API
- JSR311: Jersey 0.4 released
- JSR311: JSR311: URI-based conneg - take 3
- JSR311: Limit extensions pre-processing
- JSR311: matrix params in _at_Path
- JSR311: Matrix Params question and concern
- JSR311: media type compatibility
- JSR311: MediaType.parse -> MediaType.valueOf
- JSR311: MessageBodyWorkers
- JSR311: MessageBodyWriter.writeTo(., Class, ....)
- JSR311: MessageBodyWriter/Reader's type should take precedence
- JSR311: Missing security integration in maintenance draft
- JSR311: multipart
- JSR311: next JAX-RS version?
- JSR311: No _at_OPTIONS _at_TRACE
- JSR311: Note on Httpheader.getLanguage() and variants
- JSR311: PathParam question in regards to Locators
- JSR311: PathSegment [was: some comments]
- JSR311: POLL - Targets for @*Param, @DefaultValue, @Encoded]
- JSR311: POLL - Targets for _at_*Param, _at_DefaultValue, _at_Encoded
- JSR311: POSTed form data
- JSR311: Preparing for 1.0 FCS
- JSR311: Problem with StreamedOutput model
- JSR311: Proposal for regexs in path template vars
- JSR311: Provider for BufferedReader
- JSR311: Provider mime type matching
- JSR311: ProviderFactory API needs a bit refactoring?
- JSR311: Providers.getContextResolver makes no sense
- JSR311: Providers.getContextResolver(...)
- JSR311: Public Review Results
- JSR311: Publication to Restlet
- JSR311: Publish jsr311-api-0.5.jar
- JSR311: Question on _at_Path.limited()
- JSR311: Questions
- JSR311: Reason phrase
- JSR311: Removing valueOf method from CacheControl and NewCookie
- JSR311: Rename ApplicationConfig to Application ?
- JSR311: rename UriInfo.getTemplateParameters()
- JSR311: Renaming _at_ProduceMime, _at_ConsumeMime
- JSR311: Resolving duplicate _at_MatrixParam
- JSR311: resource factories & integration
- JSR311: Response isn't adequate
- JSR311: ResponseBuilder
- JSR311: SecurityContext.ensureSecure() ?
- JSR311: selectVariant not very useful
- JSR311: Servlet spec changes for security and JSR311
- JSR311: Setting response content-type should be required
- JSR311: Simplifying/improving support for query and matrix params
- JSR311: some comments
- JSR311: Standalone?
- JSR311: Support for jersey1.1 on Sun web server 7.0 update 3?
- JSR311: Support for OSGi Service Platform
- JSR311: taking the POJO injection idea further
- JSR311: Targets for _at_*Param, _at_DefaultValue, _at_Encoded
- JSR311: TCK before Final?
- JSR311: TCK Coverage Document
- JSR311: The best practice to return primitive types from a RESTful service?
- JSR311: TR: Formulation of section 5.1 (Servlet dependency)
- JSR311: Transactions and JAX-RS
- JSR311: Type erasure and MessageBodyWriter matching
- JSR311: TypeLiteral
- JSR311: URI based conneg
- JSR311: URI template variable matching
- JSR311: URI-based conneg
- JSR311: URI-based conneg - take 2
- JSR311: URI-based conneg - take 3
- JSR311: URI-based conneg support
- JSR311: URI-based conneg tweak
- JSR311: UriInfo stuff
- JSR311: UriInfo: access complete URI
- JSR311: WADL Question
- JSR311: what type for writer matching?
- JSR311: why Request.getFormParameters() in JAX-RS?
- JSR311: Why Response.getMetaData()
- Kenai migration complete: Documents & Files are imported
- Last/Next telcon
- Latest sketch of APIs
- Lifecycle options
- Limit extensions pre-processing
- Mailing list archive
- Mapping POJOs
- Marc OoO 5/23 to 6/5
- Matching algorithm for resources
- Matching requests to subresource methods
- matrix params in _at_Path
- Matrix Params question and concern
- media type compatibility
- MediaType.parse -> MediaType.valueOf
- MessageBodyWorkers
- MessageBodyWriter.writeTo(., Class, ....)
- MessageBodyWriter/Reader's type should take precedence
- MIME vs Media Type
- Minor issues w/ sketch 2
- Missing security integration in maintenance draft
- more comments to JAX-RS
- multipart
- New sketch of updated APIs
- next JAX-RS version?
- No _at_OPTIONS _at_TRACE
- Note on Httpheader.getLanguage() and variants
- obtaining objects from 3rd party containers
- on templating and JAX-RS
- PathParam question in regards to Locators
- PathSegment [was: some comments]
- ping, ignore
- Platonic URIs
- POLL - Targets for _at_*Param, _at_DefaultValue, _at_Encoded
- POSTed form data
- Precondition support
- Preparing for 1.0 FCS
- Problem with StreamedOutput model
- ProduceMime and ConsumeMime
- programmatic access to the HTTP request method
- Proposal for fixing issues 20 and 21
- Proposal for regexs in path template vars
- Proposed Final Draft posted
- Provider for BufferedReader
- Provider mime type matching
- ProviderFactory API needs a bit refactoring?
- Providers.getContextResolver makes no sense
- Providers.getContextResolver(...)
- Public Review Results
- Publication to Restlet
- Publish jsr311-api-0.5.jar
- Publish jsr311-api.jar into a public maven repository?
- PUT and DELETE tunneling
- Question on _at_Path.limited()
- Questions
- R2 of SWDP
- RE [Fwd: Param validation]
- Reason phrase
- Redirection and creation
- Redirection and creation <was>
- Redirection and creation)
- Registering Resource Classes (bootstrap)
- Related blog post
- Removing _at_SubResources
- Removing _at_UnmatchedPath
- Removing valueOf method from CacheControl and NewCookie
- Rename ApplicationConfig to Application ?
- rename UriInfo.getTemplateParameters()
- Renaming _at_ProduceMime, _at_ConsumeMime
- Representation<T> and Entity<T>
- Resolving duplicate _at_MatrixParam
- resource factories & integration
- Response isn't adequate
- Response.Status refactoring
- ResponseBuilder
- SecurityContext idea
- SecurityContext.ensureSecure() ?
- selectVariant not very useful
- Servlet integration update
- Servlet spec changes for security and JSR311
- Setting response content-type should be required
- Simplifying/improving support for query and matrix params
- Singeltons
- small questions about configuration, Reader, external executable
- some comments
- Some comments to JSR 311
- Some proposals / questions for JSR 311
- Standalone?
- StreamingOutput.cleanUp() ?
- Summary: Representation<T> and Entity<T>
- Support for java.lang.Character as a parameter
- Support for jersey1.1 on Sun web server 7.0 update 3?
- Support for OSGi Service Platform
- svn commit: r351 - trunk/src/jsr311-api/src/javax/ws/rs/core
- taking the POJO injection idea further
- Targets for _at_UriParam, _at_QueryParam, _at_MatrixParam and _at_HeaderParam
- TCK before Final?
- The best practice to return primitive types from a RESTful service?
- Title change to JAX-RS
- TR: Formulation of section 5.1 (Servlet dependency)
- Transactions and JAX-RS
- Type erasure and MessageBodyWriter matching
- TypeLiteral
- Updated 1.1 spec and javadocs
- Updated Schedule
- Updated spec draft
- URI //customers// bug
- URI based conneg
- URI Escaping and Unescaping
- URI template variable matching
- URI-based conneg
- URI-based conneg - take 2
- URI-based conneg - take 3
- URI-based conneg support
- URI-based conneg tweak
- UriBuilder Questions
- UriInfo stuff
- UriInfo.getAncestorResource*()
- UriInfo: access complete URI
- Vacation
- WADL Question
- Welcome to JSR 311
- What is the standard behavior when injecting property on a singleton resource class?
- what type for writer matching?
- why Request.getFormParameters() in JAX-RS?
- Why Response.getMetaData()
- Last message date: Mon Jul 21 06:29:50 2014
- Archived on: Thu Aug 10 15:15:32 2017 PDT