On Nov 7, 2007, at 2:45 AM, Liu, Jervis wrote:
>> Another thing, I wonder if we should define a sort order such
>> that an
>> entity provider that specifies "text/plain" is chosen ahead of an
>> entity provider for the same type that specifies "text/*". I'm not
>> sure how much use it would be but I don't really like the current
>> unspecified order.
> Hasnt this been defined by spec already? Section 3.1.1:
> "When choosing an EntityProvider an implementation sorts the
> available providers according to the
> media types they declare support for. Sorting of media types follows
> the general rule: x/y < x/* < */*, i.e. a
> provider that explicitly lists a media types is sorted before a
> provider that lists */*. Quality parameter values
> are also used such that x/y;q=1.0 < x/y;q=0.7."
Yes you're right. I thought the spec already covered that but I
couldn't find it when I looked.
>> On Nov 6, 2007, at 11:30 AM, Marc Hadley wrote:
>>> Thanks for bringing this up, we were about to run into a similar
>>> problem fixing issue 20[1] in Jersey. I've created issue 25[2] to
>>> track it.
>>> I agree that we need to tweak the SPI to support selection
>> by media
>>> type and read vs write but I think there's a potential subtle
>>> problem with the method signature you suggest: its possible to
>>> obtain an entity provider that supports a particular media
>> type for
>>> read but its not clear from the API what expectation a user of the
>>> entity provider should have wrt writes. E.g. if I get an entity
>>> provider that reads XML, should I expect that I can use the same
>>> provider instance to write XML also ? I think there are three ways
>>> we could approach this:
>>> 1. Add warnings to the specification and Javadoc that an
>>> EntityProvider might not support the same media types for read and
>>> write. Pros: simple, keeps everything in one interface. Cons:
>>> potentially confusing, doesn't separate reading and writing
>>> concerns, people don't always read warnings.
>>> 2. Require EntityProviders to support the same media types
>> for read
>>> and write. Pros: simple, no need for the factory method to have a
>>> read/write parameter. Cons: restrictive, may not always be
>> possible
>>> to read everything you can write or write everything you can read.
>>> 3. Split the EntityProvider SPI into two interfaces (e.g.
>>> EntityReader<T> and EntityWriter<T>),and have two methods in
>>> ProviderFactory (createEntityReader(Class<T>, MediaType). Pros:
>>> Keeps reading and writing separate, possible to write an entity
>>> provider that only does one thing, removes potential
>> confusion since
>>> there no way to try to reuse a writer as a reader or vice verse.
>>> Cons: extra interface and methods, more complex at first glance.
>>> BTW, I don't think there's any need for an array of media types in
>>> the createEntityProvider method: for requests the media type is
>>> single valued, for responses its the responsibility of either the
>>> user to specify the media type (via Response or using ProduceMime)
>>> or the client of the ProviderFactory (the runtime) to select a
>>> specific media type from the list of acceptable types.
>>> Another question is whether EntityProvider needs a
>>> supports(MediaType) method similar to the existing
>> supports(Class<?>
>>> ? This could be used when the Produce/Consume specifies a wilcard
>>> type, e.g. "text/*" or could be used to allow a provider to reject
>>> types when parameter values are not supported ?
>>> Thoughts, opinions ?
>>> Marc.
>>> [1] https://jersey.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=20
>>> [2] https://jsr311.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=25
>>> On Nov 6, 2007, at 12:19 AM, Liu, Jervis wrote:
>>>> Hi, It seems to me that the javax.ws.rs.ext. ProviderFactory API
>>>> needs a bit refactoring in order to accommodate a more complex
>>>> EntityProvider searching algorithm. For example, what we have
>>>> currently in ProviderFactory is as below:
>>>> public abstract class ProviderFactory {
>>>> public abstract <T> EntityProvider<T>
>>>> createEntityProvider(Class<T> type);
>>>> }
>>>> I.e., given a Java type then ProviderFactory returns an
>> instance of
>>>> EntityProvider that supports this Java type. However if we look
>>>> into EntityProvider API, we will find a parameter of Java
>> class is
>>>> not enough for ProviderFactory to identify an
>> EntityProvider to use
>>>> for following reasons:
>>>> a). EntityProvider can be annotated with
>> @ProduceMime/_at_ConsumeMime
>>>> and an EntityProvider can support different mime types for
>> produce
>>>> and consume. In this case when we ask ProviderFactory to
>> return us
>>>> a most appropriate EntityProvider, we really need to tell
>>>> ProviderFactory the EntityProvider being requested is used for
>>>> producing or consuming.
>>>> b). ProviderFactory also needs to know the mine types of the
>>>> request, this has been clearly stated in the spec, section 3.1.3:
>>>> "2. Select the set of EntityProvider classes that support
>> the media
>>>> type of the request,"
>>>> Enclosed below is a ProviderFactory I wrote that can return an
>>>> instance of EntityProvider based on three parameters. Let me know
>>>> if this is the intended way to use ProviderFactory and
>>>> EntityProvider APIs.
>>>> public class ProviderFactoryImpl extends ProviderFactory {
>>>> public <T> EntityProvider<T> createEntityProvider(Class<T> type,
>>>> String[] requestedMineTypes,
>>>> boolean
>>>> isConsumeMime) {
>>>> for (EntityProvider<T> ep : entityProviders) {
>>>> String[] supportedMimeTypes = {"*/*"};
>>>> if (isConsumeMime) {
>>>> ConsumeMime c =
>>>> ep.getClass().getAnnotation(ConsumeMime.class);
>>>> if (c != null) {
>>>> supportedMimeTypes = c.value();
>>>> }
>>>> } else {
>>>> ProduceMime c =
>>>> ep.getClass().getAnnotation(ProduceMime.class);
>>>> if (c != null) {
>>>> supportedMimeTypes = c.value();
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> if (matchMineTypes(supportedMimeTypes,
>>>> requestedMineTypes) && ep.supports(type)) {
>>>> return ep;
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> return null;
>>>> }
>>>> private boolean matchMineTypes(String[] supportedMimeTypes,
>>>> String[] requestedMimeTypes) {
>>>> .
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Jervis Liu
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>>>> IONA Technologies PLC (registered in Ireland)
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>>> ---
>>> Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at sun.com>
>>> CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.
>> ---
>> Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at sun.com>
>> CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.
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> IONA Technologies PLC (registered in Ireland)
> Registered Number: 171387
> Registered Address: The IONA Building, Shelbourne Road, Dublin 4,
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Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at sun.com>
CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.