Re: jsr-303 alignment

From: Marc Hadley <Marc.Hadley_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 07 Sep 2007 10:20:44 -0400

On Sep 7, 2007, at 10:00 AM, Ryan McDonough wrote:

> Actually Marc, I was modeling the idea form the EnityListener in
> the JPA. I
> think both the javax.interceptor.* and EntityListener ideas work
> fairly well
> and they could be applied to JAX-RS as well.
Right, we did discuss supporting a general interceptor capability
earlier but didn't really come up with any good use-cases that
couldn't be better met by other methods. Seems like validation might
a good use although, as Paul points out, a basic capability already
exists if validation doesn't require knowledge of all of a methods
arguments values.

On the 303 front, how is a class normally expected to access a
validator instance (beanCheck in Dhanji's example) ?


> Ryan-
> On 9/7/07, Marc Hadley <> wrote:
>> Hmmm, the example below looks a lot like a specialization of
>> javax.interceptor.*...
>> Marc.
>> On Sep 7, 2007, at 9:06 AM, Ryan McDonough wrote:
>>> I agree with Paul's comment that some of the validation logic could
>>> be a bit
>>> more complex and it would be best left in the value beans
>>> themselves. Taking
>>> that a little further, maybe we could provide a way to perform the
>>> validation automatically through some type of callback mechanism.
>>> Taking
>>> Paul's example a little further with half-baked thought I had:
>>> @RequestListener({Jsr303ValidationListener.class})
>>> class Something {
>>> @ValidateRequest(autoValidate=true)
>>> public Response purchase(@UriParam("creditCard") CreditCard cc,
>>> @UriParam("email") EMail email) {
>>> ...
>>> }
>>> The ValidateRequest annotation could be used to declare that the
>>> use wishes
>>> to handle the the validation automagically by the listener.
>>> In this instance, a listener is applied to method parameters before
>>> the
>>> method is called. If the beans are annotated with JSR-303
>>> annotations, the
>>> validation will be performed and some type of error response will be
>>> generated by the listener. The messages used in the respose could
>>> be pulled
>>> from the JSR-303 annotations. When errors are found, the target
>>> method is
>>> never executed.
>>> Another nice thing about this that you wouldn't restricted to just
>>> JSR-303
>>> validation:
>>> @RequestListener({HibernateValidator.class})
>>> class Something {
>>> @ValidateRequest(autoValidate=true)
>>> public Response purchase(@UriParam("creditCard") CreditCard cc,
>>> @UriParam("email") EMail email) {
>>> ...
>>> }
>>> In this instance, we could plug in Hibernate's validation framework
>>> instead,
>>> or any other type of validation framework. Taking it even further,
>>> we could
>>> also apply Response listeners as well if needed. Thoughts?
>>> Ryan-
>>> On 9/7/07, Paul Sandoz < > wrote:
>>>> Hi Dhanji,
>>>> Thanks for the example, that was very helpful.
>>>> It is possible to do some validation with the current API:
>>>> public Response purchase(@UriParam("creditCard") CreditCard cc,
>>>> @UriParam("email") EMail email) {
>>>> }
>>>> the requirement is that CreditCard and Email have a constructor
>>>> that
>>>> takes a String parameter and throw a runtime exception if
>>>> validation
>>>> fails, the runtime exception can be caught and transformed into
>>>> a 400
>>>> (Bad Request).
>>>> An implementation of the parameter injection can still validate all
>>>> parameters even on the first failure, thus grouping errors.
>>>> One advantage of 303 is that String can be used but it does seem
>>>> more
>>>> involved to invoke some bean checking rather than encapsulate
>>>> functionality. I suppose the CreditCard and EMail could
>>>> encapsulate 303
>>>> functionality.
>>>> Paul.
>>>> Dhanji R. Prasanna wrote:
>>>>> OK =)
>>>>> Here's something off the top of my head: you purchase an ebook
>>>>> with a
>>>>> credit card and email to deliver the ebook to. A webservice
>>>>> invocation
>>>>> sends the credit card number and delivery email to a JaxRs
>>>>> application:
>>>>> @URITemplate("/eshop/books/{isbn}")
>>>>> public class BookPurchaseService {
>>>>> @HttpMethod(POST)
>>>>> public Response purchase(@Param("creditCard") String cc,
>>>>> @Param("email") String email, /** ISBN, etc. **/) {
>>>>> PurchaseOrder po = new PurchaseOrder(cc, email ...);
>>>>> //enter order...
>>>>> purchasingBiz.processOrder (po);
>>>>> //respond with receipt number or failure code
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> Now if the card # or email is invalid, your biz logic will fall
>>>>> over
>>>>> with an exception. Typically you want to trap it before then to
>>>>> give a
>>>>> meaningful message back in to the client. With jsr303 you can do
>>>>> something like the following:
>>>>> public class PurchaseOrder {
>>>>> @Email(message = "") private String email;
>>>>> @CreditCard(message = "") private String cc;
>>>>> ...
>>>>> }
>>>>> ...and correspondingly alter the http method:
>>>>> @HttpMethod(POST)
>>>>> public Response purchase(@UriParam("creditCard") String cc,
>>>>> @UriParam("email") String email) {
>>>>> PurchaseOrder po = new PurchaseOrder(cc, email);
>>>>> //invoke jsr303 runtime aka BeanCheck
>>>>> List<InvalidValue> errors = beanCheck.validate(po);
>>>>> if (errors.isEmpty())
>>>>> //enter order...
>>>>> purchasingBiz.processOrder(po);
>>>>> else
>>>>> //iterate errors and lookup the localized messages
>>>>> to send
>>>>> back (if necessary) to client
>>>>> }
>>>>> Dhanji.
>>>>> On 9/6/07, *Marc Hadley* <
>>>>> <mailto:>> wrote:
>>>>> Me too, an example would be great.
>>>>> Marc.
>>>>> On Sep 5, 2007, at 5:01 PM, Ryan McDonough wrote:
>>>>>> +1 from me. I'm interested in seeing what you're thinking Dhanji.
>>>>>> Ryan-
>>>>>> On 9/5/07, Paul Sandoz <
>>>>> <mailto:>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Dhanji R. Prasanna wrote:
>>>>>>>> An *initial* reaction suggests that we should leave this
>>>> entirely
>>>>>>>> to a
>>>>>>>> user (bootstrap, validate, feedback error). However, since I
>>>>>>>> recall Paul
>>>>>>>> saying we want jsr311 to be a complete *usable* API it might be
>>>>>>>> worth
>>>>>>>> considering if/whether we want to integrate jsr303 in some
>>>> (even
>>>>>>>> optional) way. For instance, in the Response.Builder.
>>>>>>>> I can explain a bit more about how bean validation in jsr303
>>>>>>>> works if
>>>>>>>> anyone is interested. Thoughts?
>>>>>>> IMHO it would be most helpful, at least to me!, to provide a
>>>>>>> couple of
>>>>>>> examples from the perspective of a 311 developer i.e. this will
>>>> help
>>>>>>> explain why 303 is useful and what benefits it offers before we
>>>>>>> get into
>>>>>>> the deeper technical aspects of how 303 works and determine
>>>>>>> whether some
>>>>>>> optional integration is required.
>>>>>>> Paul.
>>>>>>> --
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>>>>>>> Paul Sandoz
>>>>>>> x38109
>>>>>>> +33-4-76188109
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>>>>>> Ryan J. McDonough
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>>>>> Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at < >>
>>>>> CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.
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>>>> Paul Sandoz
>>>> x38109
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>>> Ryan J. McDonough
>> ---
>> Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at>
>> CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.
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> Ryan J. McDonough

Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at>
CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.