Re: JSR311: Re: Inherited Path

From: Bill Burke <>
Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2008 14:35:13 -0500

Marc Hadley wrote:
> On Feb 5, 2008, at 11:58 AM, Bill Burke wrote:
>>> FWIW, here's where we are wrt the spec and Jersey:
>>> - @ConsumeMime and @ProduceMime are both @Inherited so they can be
>>> used on superclasses.
>>> - Resource classes are introspected using Class.getMethods. This will
>>> include methods inherited from superclasses but note that a method
>>> overriding one in a superclass requires its own annotations - we
>>> don't do any annotation merging.
>> IIRC, that's basically how EJB3 handled things. Try to conform to the
>> rules of the language. This is why I think KISS might be better and
>> an either/or policy used with interfaces/bean classes.
> KISS is good, I'm just not sure how best to achieve it. E.g. we could
> say that any JAX-RS annotation on a subclass method overrides all
> annotations on the corresponding superclass/interface method, i.e. no
> merging and if you want to override anything you have to repeat all the
> annotations.
> Is that too simplistic ?

I think I like that.

Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat