Re: JSR311: gzip encoding

From: Ryan McDonough <>
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 13:57:39 -0400

That's true Stephan, but my point with the naked @ContentEncoding annotation
was to support other, and future encoding types. However, I did not look
fully at Bill's implementation in RESTEasy, but he's using meta-annotations
whereby the @GZIP is annoated with a @ContentEncoding("gzip") annotation.
This follows the same pattern as the JAX-RS @HttpMethod annotations.


On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 1:45 PM, Stephan Koops <> wrote:

> Hi,
> -1
> If the accept-Encoding allows GZIP, than the JAX-RS runtime could decide on
> its own, that it gzip the data. This it could do with all encodings, that
> are allowe. So there is no additional annotation required.
> Ot course the runtime must set the content-encoding header, if it encode
> the data.
> best regards
> Stephan
> Bill Burke schrieb:
>> It seems to me that most JAX-RS implementations support GZIP encoding. Any
>> way we could require it within the specification? Also maybe define a @GZIP
>> annotation to specify we want to encode the response (of course it would be
>> sensitive to the Accept-Encoding header).
>> In Resteasy we encode the response in GZIP if the content-encoding
>> response header has been set. Our @GZIP annotation sets the
>> content-encoding header.
>> It just seems weird to me that there is no portable way of doing encoding
>> within JAX-RS.
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Ryan J. McDonough