I prefer the former.
From: Marc Hadley
Sent: Wed 3/5/2008 10:12 AM
To: dev_at_jsr311.dev.java.net
Subject: Re: JSR311: Response isn't adequate
On Mar 3, 2008, at 1:20 PM, Stephan Koops wrote:
> I think, it's good, to use getOutputStream(Result), because this
> make it clearer, what is meant with the method. It could throw an
> IllegalArgumentException, if an entity is set.
> When using read only interfaces, very often we accpet a
> UnsupportedOperationException, why no here an
> IllegalArgumentException?
I guess we could do that but it might be a bit counter-intuitive for
users. The alternative would be to write any entity and then return
the output stream. The suggested method signature was intended to
avoid this issue but I agree that:
Response r = Response.created("someuri").type("sometype").build();
OutputStream os = so.getOutputStream(r);
is neater than:
Response r = Response.created("someuri").type("sometype").build();
OutputStream os = so.getOutputStream(r.getStatus(), r.getMetadata());
What do others think, do you prefer getOutputStream(Response) or
getOutputStream(int, MultivaluedMap<String, Object>). If the latter do
you prefer throwing an IllegalArgumentException is Response has an
entity or should the method write the entity and return a stream
positioned at the end of it.
> Marc Hadley schrieb:
>> How does the following sound:
>> public interface StreamingOutput {
>> OutputStream getOutputStream(int status, MultivaluedMap<String,
>> Object> metadata);
>> }
>> A resource method can have a parameter of the above type but, if
>> so, it MUST have a void return type. You get an output stream by
>> passing in the desired status code and metadata which you can get
>> from a Response instance (or create yourself). I don't want
>> getOutputStream(Response) since that brings up questions about what
>> to do if the response contains an entity and I don't really like
>> any of the answers to that question. Calling getOutputStream more
>> than once isn't allowed.
>> An example of usage:
>> @GET
>> public void getData(StreamingOutput so) {
>> Response r = Response.created("someuri").type("sometype").build();
>> OuptutStream os = so.getOutputStream(r.getStatus(),
>> r.getMetadata());
>> os.write(...)
>> }
>> We'd still use @ProduceMime to choose a method to call and to
>> default the content type if not explicitly set.
>> I had a failure of imagination when coming up with the interface
>> and method names, if you have better ideas I'd like to hear them.
>> Marc
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Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at sun.com>
CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.
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