- 0.7 API and spec
- _at_*Param and List<?>
- _at_Target of FIELD for _at_*Param annotations
- Aggregation(?) of "Targets for _at_*Param, _at_DefaultValue, _at_Encoded"
- Client API
- Exception Handling
- form-urlencoded question
- Header and Response Code constants
- Javadocs not up to date
- Jersey 0.6 released
- JSR311: 0.7 API and spec
- JSR311: _at_*Param and List<?>
- JSR311: _at_Target of FIELD for _at_*Param annotations
- JSR311: Aggregation(?) of "Targets for @*Param, @DefaultValue, @Encoded"
- JSR311: Aggregation(?) of "Targets for _at_*Param, _at_DefaultValue, @Encoded"
- JSR311: Charset defaults
- JSR311: Client API
- JSR311: don't understand ResponseBuilder.variants()
- JSR311: form-urlencoded question
- JSR311: Header and Response Code constants
- JSR311: Javadocs not up to date
- JSR311: JSR311: URI-based conneg - take 3
- JSR311: matrix params in _at_Path
- JSR311: MediaType.parse -> MediaType.valueOf
- JSR311: MessageBodyWorkers
- JSR311: MessageBodyWriter.writeTo(., Class, ....)
- JSR311: next JAX-RS version?
- JSR311: PathSegment [was: some comments]
- JSR311: POLL - Targets for @*Param, @DefaultValue, @Encoded]
- JSR311: POLL - Targets for _at_*Param, _at_DefaultValue, _at_Encoded
- JSR311: Problem with StreamedOutput model
- JSR311: Provider for BufferedReader
- JSR311: Publication to Restlet
- JSR311: Question on _at_Path.limited()
- JSR311: rename UriInfo.getTemplateParameters()
- JSR311: resource factories & integration
- JSR311: Response isn't adequate
- JSR311: some comments
- JSR311: Standalone?
- JSR311: Targets for _at_*Param, _at_DefaultValue, _at_Encoded
- JSR311: Type erasure and MessageBodyWriter matching
- JSR311: URI-based conneg
- JSR311: URI-based conneg - take 2
- JSR311: URI-based conneg - take 3
- Matching requests to subresource methods
- matrix params in _at_Path
- MediaType.parse -> MediaType.valueOf
- MessageBodyWorkers
- MessageBodyWriter.writeTo(., Class, ....)
- more comments to JAX-RS
- next JAX-RS version?
- PathSegment [was: some comments]
- POLL - Targets for _at_*Param, _at_DefaultValue, _at_Encoded
- Problem with StreamedOutput model
- Provider for BufferedReader
- Publication to Restlet
- Question on _at_Path.limited()
- rename UriInfo.getTemplateParameters()
- resource factories & integration
- small questions about configuration, Reader, external executable
- some comments
- Standalone?
- StreamingOutput.cleanUp() ?
- Type erasure and MessageBodyWriter matching
- Updated Schedule
- URI-based conneg - take 2
- URI-based conneg - take 3
- UriInfo.getAncestorResource*()
- Last message date: Mon Mar 10 08:53:48 2008
- Archived on: Thu Aug 10 15:15:32 2017 PDT