- Allocate Exception
- dynamic sub-locators
- Exception mapping for runtime generated exceptions
- HttpHeaders.getAcceptedLanguages() ?
- JavaOne?
- Jersey 0.7 released
- JSR311: Allocate Exception
- JSR311: dynamic sub-locators
- JSR311: Exception Handling
- JSR311: Exception mapping for runtime generated exceptions
- JSR311: HttpHeaders.getAcceptedLanguages() ?
- JSR311: JavaOne?
- JSR311: media type compatibility
- JSR311: SecurityContext.ensureSecure() ?
- JSR311: Servlet spec changes for security and JSR311
- JSR311: URI based conneg
- JSR311: URI-based conneg tweak
- JSR311: UriInfo stuff
- JSR311: what type for writer matching?
- media type compatibility
- SecurityContext.ensureSecure() ?
- Servlet spec changes for security and JSR311
- URI based conneg
- URI-based conneg tweak
- UriInfo stuff
- what type for writer matching?