Re: JSR311: URI-based conneg - take 3

From: Stefan Tilkov <>
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 17:18:13 +0100

+1. This seems clean and intuitive to me.

Stefan Tilkov,
On Mar 10, 2008, at 5:05 PM, Marc Hadley wrote:
> Proposal take 3 (removed the complex per-resource approach to allow  
> simple URI preprocessing):
> - We only offer automatic support for content types and language,  
> nothing for charset or encoding negotiation.
> - The feature is controlled by ApplicationConfig.getMediaTypesMap  
> (Map<String, MediaType) and ApplicationConfig.getLanguageMap  
> (Map<String, String). If both maps are empty (the default) then the  
> feature is disabled.
> - When the feature is enabled:
> * A request URI is pre-processed to remove extensions that match a  
> key in the media types or language maps. The corresponding value of  
> a matching key is used to override the accept or accept-language  
> header.
> * If a URI template ends in a variable then the variable value is  
> injected without the matching extensions.
> - Existing UriInfo methods are not affected, all extensions in the  
> URI are included in the path returned by any of the methods. For  
> convenience we add:
> * UriInfo.getPathExtension() that returns the extensions as a String  
> or null if there isn't one,
> * UriInfo.getPlatonicRequestUriBuilder which returns a URI builder  
> for the request minus the extensions
> * UriBuilder.extension(String) that adds the supplied extension to  
> the current final path segment.
> An example:
> mediaTypeMap = {"xml"=>"application/xml", "json"=>"application/json"}
> languageMap = {"en"=>"en", "fr"=>"fr"}
> @Path("widgets/{id}")
> public class WidgetResource {
>  @GET
>  String get(@PathParam("id") String id) {
>  }
> }
> GET /widgets/1 => id=1, accept and accept-language are unaffected
> GET /widgets/1.xml => id=1, accept=application/xml, accept-language  
> is unaffected
> GET /widgets/1.json => id=1, accept: application/json, accept- 
> language is unaffected
> GET /widgets/1.xml.en => id=1, accept: application/xml, accept- 
> language: en
> GET /widgets/ =>, accept and accept-language are  
> unaffected
> GET /widgets/ =>, accept=application/xml, accept- 
> language is unaffected
> GET /widgets/ =>, accept=application/xml, accept- 
> language is unaffected
> Thoughts, comments ?
> Marc.
> ---
> Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at>
> CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.
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