Re: JSR311: next JAX-RS version?

From: Marc Hadley <Marc.Hadley_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 08:04:12 -0700

We are planning to make a stable 0.7 snapshot within the next couple
of days. However due to the amount of other things that we need to
implement in the 0.7 Jersey release (see Paul's earlier email) we
won't include some of the most recent stuff we've been discussing (new
targets for @*Param, List, Set, SortedSet types for @*Param). 0.7 also
won't include constants for HTTP headers, I'm on the road this week
and don't have the time to get those written. I will include the fix
for @PathParam on PathSegment.

I'll add the missing bits in the first 0.8 API which I'll push out
shortly after the 0.7 snapshot.


On Mar 19, 2008, at 3:17 AM, Stephan Koops wrote:
> Hello,
> can we build a next version (0.7, 0.6.1 or whatever) the next days,
> with a stable specification PDF (with stable Web address) and stable
> java files?
> For my master thesis I need something to refer to. The things
> discussed the last days should come in to it (e.g. @*Param
> List<String>, the path segment issue, the String constants for
> Status and Headers and so on).
> It's not required to be today or tomorrow, but on the next days or
> next week would be nice.
> best regards
> Stephan
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Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at>
CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.