On Apr 26, 2007, at 6:26 AM, Dhanji R. Prasanna wrote:
> @Externalizer(classes={Thing.class }, type="application/thing")
> public class ThingExternalizer implements
> TypeStreamingProvider<Thing.class> {
> Is there a case for multiple mediatypes too? for example:
> @Externalizer(entity = Thing.class, mediaType = { "text/html",
> "text/xhtml" })
> I can see this being quite useful.
> (note that you dont need braces {} when referring to a single
> element, it is autoboxed into an array)
Yes, I had in mind a comma separated list but with autoboxing I think
the array approach is neater. We should do the same for ProduceMime
and ConsumeMime too.
Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at sun.com>
CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.
- application/pkcs7-signature attachment: smime.p7s