Re: JSR311: exception mapping of wrapper exceptions

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2008 16:24:36 +0200

On Jun 25, 2008, at 4:09 PM, Marc Hadley wrote:

> On Jun 25, 2008, at 8:45 AM, Bill Burke wrote:
>> A few Resteasy users came across a problem with exception mapping
>> and wrapper exceptions like: EJBException, RemoteException,
>> EJBTransactionRollbackException, hibernate BatchedException.
>> When wrapper exceptions exist, then it sort of makes
>> ExceptionMapper not very useful. I was thinking of two ways to
>> solve this:
>> #1 Rename and expand MessageBodyWorkers so that you can look up
>> any provider
>> #2 Define a MapCauseException. ExceptionMappers would throw this
>> if they want JAX-RS to remap an inner exception: i.e.:
>> Response toResponse(EJBException ex) {
>> throw new MapCausepException(ex.getCause());
>> }
> I prefer #1, it seems more direct.

Same here, although look up of a message reader/writer provider
requires parameters that do not apply to other types of provider.

I would be inclined to create a separate interface for lookup of
exception providers. That way things are more extensible rather then
overloading things into one class.
